So why did the Oslo Accords not succeed?
Many reasons, one of them, for example, being the lack of support for them from Condaleeza Rice, the US national security advisor. Obviously, the US aren't solely to blame. But neither are the Palestinians or, for that matter, the Israelis. The political leaderships of all sides have no serious desire for peace.
If the Bush administration was serious about the Accords they were more than capable of applying pressure to Sharon. They didn't even try.
There's no simple answer here. Demagogues on all sides want to turn it into a simple Muslim v. Jew or Muslim v. Christian issue. At heart it's a political dispute, about land rights for both sides, that has been used by extremists on both sides to stoke religious and ethnic hatreds, to suggest it's an issue of faith rather than politics. It's a failure of Western democratic politics that that has been allowed to happen, in fact, the West has positively encouraged this for short-term political expediency since the creation of the state of Israel.
A politics that sees the issue simply as Israel defending itself against hostile action, or, for that matter, freedom-fighting Palestinians who are on the side of the angels, doesn't even begin to get to grips with the reality.
-- Ian