Six Of The Best
No 1: 1984 Buying a National (Panasonic!) portable hi-fi and in Akiharaba too!. This sober yet smart device seemed to me the Mercedes Benz of the cassette boombox world. Sound quality wise, its detachable two way speakers blew my flimsy Akai into the weeds! :student:
No 2: 1987 Hearing my first CD purchase on my brand new Yamaha CD player (with remote control!) into a 30w Yamaha amp with little Wharfedale Delta bookshelves. I am sure I would be horrified nowadays, but at the time, and with only my parents Akai rack system to compare against, I thought CD was the ducks guts!
Postscript, my sister still uses the Yamaha CDP, I still use the amp now and again and even the speakers get dragged when I need bookshelf speakers that actually work on a bookshelf! However I have never been able to work out why the CDP (it was quite pricey for its day) had a CD tray with a built in sprung support!
No 3: 2001 Hearing Kevin Scott demonstrate an SME 10 into my Sugden amp and LV speakers. 14 years after going digital, I realised I may have been a little hasty in writing off analogue.
No 4: 2004 Megabuck MBL setup, with top of range RadialStrahler speakers, amp and CDP. It was truly jawdropping. It filled an enormous room with effortlesss lifelike sound. Most ultra hi-end systems leave me cold, this was a revelation. :cry:
No 5: 2008 Listening to some stupendously large 60's Celestion (or similar) speaker with a huge woofer and a jury rigged vitavox style horn on top. Massively ugly. fabulous fun!!! Made me realise that when it comes to a big sound, there is no substitute for size.....:JPS:
No 6: 2010 15" Monitor Golds in a well built horn loaded cabinet (step forward Speedy!). Not so much jaw dropping as this how hi-fi should be! :latte:
After a barren patch, it seems my jaw has been dropping more in recent times. This is surely a positive sign!