At 17 - Oxygene played on a Garrard SP? Mk2 with an Ortofon cartridge. I was lying on the floor in my bedroom listening to my recently homebuilt loudspeakers and the sound crossed the speakers panning L->R and R->L. It went straight through my brain - I was hooked.
At 21 - My first real TT, Ariston RD80, Linn LVX, Ortofon VMS 30 MK2e, Quad 34, 405-2, Tangent XLRs. My bedroom at college. First record on the deck Making Movies and when the drums came in on the first track the attack was incredible - bang!
At 22 - PT, Zeta, Koetsu Black into a big Meridian system with active M3s(?). Wow! It was the PT/Zeta/Koetsu sound - but can't remember the music.
At 23 - Townshend Elite Rock 2, Excalibur arm, London Decca cartridge into EAR pre-amp and, what I think were EAR 509s, into Decca Ribbon speakers. Unbelievable - I spent 2.5 hours in the shop and missed all my appointments for the afternoon. Some smoky jazz club type music.
The other night - Rock III, rewired Zeta, Koetsu Rosewood, Icon Audio PS1, modified Naim 102, hand build Naim based monoblocks, Shahinian Obelisks. Hang on, I own this - yes! An audio epiphany every time I listen!
I just realised everyone of those is analogue based. It's easy to see the influence of the PT, Zeta, Koetsu and the Townshend Rock experiences, which were well over 20 years ago, on my audio aspirations.