Kit you most regret not owning anymore

Yes, I think so. Yes chrome bumper.

But the 52 is a lot better than both, and is 'olive'. Mind you, so it should be at the price, which would have been over £6000 brand new incuding the (mandatory) Supercap.
Garrot Bros London Decca, Spica TC-50 loudspeakers and Quicksilver amps. I really miss a framed speaker stand made by a friend which held speakers top and bottom via spikes, simply the best stand I ever heard but looked horrible.
I regret not having the Monitor Audio MA5s, the Trio Kd1033 TT and the Sansui Au317ii that made up the system I had at college - partly for nostalgic reasons and partly in the case of the first two because my ex wife threw them in a skip :eek:
Nice thread this :)

I'd go back a few years and say my little Rotel RA820B (sans tone controls). Sold it to buy a Cyrus 2 which was (and still is) the biggest pile of unmusical junk I've ever heard. Fortunately saw the error of my ways and got a refund, getting a Creek 4140 instead - this lovely amp was so much better than the Mission it wasn't even funny.

Other regrets...

Had a pair of BLQ Q1's which were superb little speakers - in many way the poor man's Linn Kan which on the end of an LP12 and powered by the Creek sounded fantastic. Shame the company went belly-up. :(
Have to be my Velodyne HGS15 - best I've ever heard and worked superbly in my room - had to sell as I needed the cash not because I wanted to sell - in fact I wish I'd never heard it as I wouldn't now know what I am missing - then again maybe better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!



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