[quote]To be honest, i get tired of mac owners ramming their choice of machines down our throats.[/quote] No one is ramming anything down your throat! If you want a PC buy a PC and enjoy it. I only joined this thread to advise RdS to buy a machine with a good extended warranty, regardless whether it is a PC or Mac. That, whether he chooses to use it or not, is [i]by far[/i] the best advise so far on this thread. For once I know exactly what I'm talking about - I'm an ex-IT manager / network contractor who has worked for some huge multi-national companies and I’ve used PCs from back when the original 8088 chip was current! Rolling out huge quantities of laptops in a tough business environment is nothing new to me. Trust me, the last thing that matters is a slightly faster CPU! RdS had already included a Mac in his shortlist, all my recommendations were targeted to his original question – as a home user with no need to run either games or certain specific business applications I’d personally recommend a Mac. It is a simpler, more reliable and more secure platform. That’s my advice, anyone is free to take it or leave it! Tony.