oedipus said:
Which DAC's have you been using? Perhaps you could give us a few words describing each one and it's sound...
My (attempted) light-hearted comment was in response to the generalisation "all DACs sound the same". I was unsure whether it was careless use of the English language or whether you had genuinely heard every DAC ever made.
However, to answer your question, in the last 18 months I've owned -
- Meridian 203
- TEAC D-10
- TEAC D-500
- TEAC D-700
- Benchmark DAC-1
- Wadia 25
(I still own the D-500, D-700 and Wadia).
I couldn't offer words to characterise the first two, as its over a year since I heard them, but at the time I preferred the Meridian to the D-10.
The D-700 resides in my second system, the D-500 in my partner's system. Its a long time since I've tried them side-by-side, but from memory I believe the D-700 had a more natural, less digital sound.
Most recently, I've used the Benchmark and the Wadia, using their volume control driving my power amp directly. All other aspects of the system, transport, power amp, speakers, interconnects, speaker cables, mains cables, power blocks and isolation were the same.
I'd say that both retrieved the same level of detail from the CDs I played ie in no instance did I think "haven't heard that before". To characterise them comparatively, I'd say the Benchmark has a more open sound, with greater air/space between instruments than the Wadia, but in my set-up was fatiguing at high volumes or for prolongued listening periods. I would characterise it as bright. The Wadia has a more full/solid sound with less air/space between instruments and has never sounded bright, at any volume.
I bought the Wadia because I couldn't live with the Benchmark.
Could I tell the Benchmark and Wadia apart, in my system, blindfolded? Yes, I believe I could.
Apologies if my attempt to articulate the differences is insufficient to satisfy your curiosity.