[QUOTE=PeteH]Despite what the movies tell you though, that doesn't actually happen all that often. ;)[/QUOTE] But there have been plenty of documentaries that show that it does happen. It's supreme arrogance to suggest it won't happen again. Indeed, if we already know everything, why waste public money on furthering the subject? It seems Oedipus' scepticism is based on the suggestion that two products that measure the same in frequency response will sound identical. Fair enough. But given that the amount of HF energy created in the typically reflective living room is likely to result in a certain brightness, does it not make some sense to roll off the treble to compensate for the anticipated domestic enviroment? In other words, if you are not prepared to go to the trouble of treating the room or EQing the system, might not some variation from neutrality be both subjectively preferrable and objectively more accurate?