Originally posted by sideshowbob
Yes, the Alpha 9 is utter rubbish, not nearly as good as [MF X Ray]
-- Ian

Originally posted by sideshowbob
Yes, the Alpha 9 is utter rubbish, not nearly as good as [MF X Ray]
-- Ian
I use to own a pair of active 50s about 2 years back. Had them for 5 years. Kept them for so long as at that time I was (wrongly) conviced that maximum information retrieval and studio neutrality was the key and that if anything was wrong it was the components ahead of them in the chain replay which were wrong. It was very much a love hate relationship I had with the 50A's. Awesome in the areas of dynamics and scale (due to the active design), but there was always this nagging doubt in the back of my mind that they were always wanting to tell me about "what's wrong" with a recording rather than "what's right". With the right recording I found them really rewording muscially, but with the wrong recording all I could hear was the technical flaws in the recording which I wasn't interested in. I'd heard ATCs at hi-fi shows and to my ears they always had a undesirable dry "studio monitor" quality to them, but when I got home I was very much more satifisied with the results I was getting - I could live with my ATC set-up but no those at the shows (which almost always used to use a certain front-end which I do not favour especially with ATCs). In the end I gave up and changed over to a domestic "hi-fi" speaker which I found a much more all round rewarding experience for my particular tastes.Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
I fancy a big pair of active atc's sometime, secondhand of course....trouble is, I would hate to think they would be all accuracy at the expense of music
that's a co-incidence they are in bed together
I was serioulsy tempted by the lowly Auditorium but felt that £1700 was rather a lot for what is a fairly basic speaker. I'm glad the Castle Conway 3s came along when they did. Saved me 800 quid
believe it or not the auditoriums use vifa bass units and tweets that are about £30 each, thats round about £100 of drivers in each one...add a box and crossover and it'll cost you another £750
Allegedly, the bass can be a bit boomy with port resonances as well.
to be honest, I don't think the avatar, and the obx would be much different soudning....the avatars have the scanspeak 9500 tweeter, which is superb in its own right....all, what £80 pounds worth...I am sceptical myself about the value of an ob xover, but can't do any harm....I have yet to verify it in my own mind...
Hmmm. Well I originally had the SIA2-150 at home with a pair of ATC SCM12's. They were a bit of a mixed bag. Very accurate and insightful but not all that musical. Some stuff sounded slow through them (e.g. The Coors, Dido). Made me want to fall asleep. Didn't grab me and pull me in. Other stuff sounded plain odd. Pink Floyd's Animals sounded like it was being played at the bottom of a swimming pool. Very strange.Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
reason I am asking, techno, is I fancy a big pair of active atc's sometime, secondhand of course....trouble is, I would hate to think they would be all accuracy at the expense of music
Dean, Border Patrol, are now in Cheltenham 247/9 Swindon Road to be precise, seems it cheaper to be there rather than Brighton Wm