looking for jaw dropping improvement

Then I'm sure you'd agree James that there would be nothing lost should John decide to find out for himself if he is one of those people.

I would look at your front ends. I would look at some of the other quality turntables/arms & carrtridges on offer. Also phono stages and what they are placed on.

This is not knocking LP12s but you may find another deck combo that will do it better for you. Try and have a listen to a few such as the Nottinghams, Avids, SMEs, Well Tempereds etc, etc.

Buy loads of records and cds.

John - bit of a diversion from your original thread, but I noticed you have the AR LS25 preamp. I've got this on a list to audition shortly and was curious to hear what you think of it and what else you looked at when choosing it - for example I 'm also trying to hear the conrad johnson LS18 at the same time..
specialk said:
Roy doesn't frequent these parts but here's a place to start.


Many thanks Graham. I've sent him an email.

Back on thread, I was also trying to say that I thought that the front, rather than the amp/speaker end was opportunity for jaw drop - and that mine had when entering the realm of AudioSynthesis. But perhaps the current dac used does the biz.

But for all that, its a great set-up. If the itch aint there ....
I'd say look into speakers as well, with improvements to the TT next..
As usual, I'd recommend the Duevel Bella Lunas at Walrus, or there's the big Mirages as well...
And TT-wise, either the Lingo for the LP12, or even better (IMHO of course!) would be to flog it and get a Clearaudio.
s/h arc power amp?

keep the lp12 there may be better but at a price and its got character which is important.

then focus on speakers?

s/h atc active 100s?

s/h proac response 4s?

or go valve like living voice obxs and border patrol power amp? again s/h probably unbeatable for the cash.
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ditton said:
Many thanks Graham. I've sent him an email.

Last time I heard from him he was 10 days behind with his mail so don't be surprised if his response is not immediate.

At the risk of rocking the boat, IMHO Levinson kit is extremely good value secondhand at the moment. Your budget would probably get you a 37/360s.

Should be fun researching...

reply from Roy came through just now! I've been re-reading the letter, not yet printed out any of the 16 word documents! May have to attend evening classes:

I've gleaned, perhaps incorrectly, that his principal argument is the detrimental effect of the fuse in the domestic plug. He suggests, as an experiment, to remove that (replacing with a direct link) and to 'hear' the difference: on what component would that be most likely to be discernible, the amp or the dac or the transport? I would have thought the amp.

Anyway, thanks to both yourself Graham and to Roy. And, though I've no experience of my own to draw upon, I would put 'Main supply and Fuses' as the potential 'jaw-drop' improvement. His logic that change there is not sonic gain, rather it is lower sonic degredation, with net improvement to all components that is vfm upgrade. Bedtime reading that might cause me to defer attempt at poweramp upgrade.
There's a certain amount of dispute concerning Roy's "theories" and personally I'd be looking elsewhere for a 'jaw dropping improvement'.
looks like a dedicated spur 'll be thr first thing to happen. not sure about a radial per piece of kit though
John, your system seems pretty well balanced in terms of each piece of equipment being in the same league as each other, so if I were you I would most definitely be looking at room treatment.

The improvement was so large in my case that I am currently looking into starting up a small business selling hand-made acoustic treatment products. The idea is that being nicely made out of wood they will not be so out of place in an average living room as having a load of foam pinned too your walls might be.

What is your room like at the moment?
Graham C said:
Make some Wilson Watt/Puppy looking speakers, with better drivers, for about 2K [including ~£1000 to pay a woodwork shop to build them].

That'd be top of my list too.

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