looking for jaw dropping improvement

I wouldn't spend anything on CD atm, the bottom of the market has dropped out imo with that pioneer 575 multi-player thing etc.
that's it then. seperate spur it is - just need to wait for when mrsjohnh is with the outlaws for a few days
Then you can save the rest of the cash and buy a better digital player when it settles down again. When ever that will be.

Given the kit that you already have, I doubt 5k would bring a jaw dropping improvement. That is unless there is a particular area that you are unhappy with or you have weak jaw muscles.

I have the same amp as you and one of those monster wadia things as you put it (not exactly an original idea I admit). I think to get the full benefit of the wadia you probably need to drive it directly into the amp. Given the rest of your equipment, I cant see you wanting to do that.

I would guess that room acoustics is an area worth investing time and money in. I know that there is great scope for improvement in my listening room to bring the sound above the level of merely acceptable.
There are ways of treating a room which isn't horrible looking. It may not be as good as regular methods but you might be suprised what can be done. Using transparent micro-porous absorbers etc. can be quite easy to hide. Might be worth looking into.

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