Meaty Amp

Robbo said:
Using the same tweeter doesnt necessarily mean they sound the same - the crossover has a huge part to play too!

I know Robbo, and I understand that, but the crossover frequencies of the 2 speakers are the same as well - leading me to believe that those are the same as well. Again, could be wrong. I am sure the M53 dont sound exactly like the M51, but I'd be willing to bet they are similar - certainly they are if what one of my MSN buddies who has also bought and sold a pair of M53's has said about them to me.... and FWIW he said he noticed big improvements by placing a set of Dynaudio Audience's in their place.

I was only trying to help, after all I wouldnt want to see him waste his £5 an hour on something he wouldnt be happy with in the long run, but AFAIC, he can take it or leave it.
Whats your problem paul? :confused:

Im not gonna give myself the hassle of ringing mission and ask them just to prove to you that they use different tweeters.I got my m53's quite recently, manufacturers often change specs and parts in their products to keep costs down. I also notice that my 53's have 6spikes as opposed to the 4 when they were 1st released. Also, mission have another range called the Volare which are basically the m5 range with improved X-overs and what looks like a different tweeter. I had to wait for my m53s to be built when i ordered them. It wouldnt surprise me at all if mission used the improved X-over of the volare range in their last batch of m5's. Anyway, im not here to start a heated arguemnt, i was simply asking for some amp recomendations :cool:


edit to add:

I didnt ask over at HFC because of signing in problems
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No problem here, like I was saying, I am only trying to help, and suggesting things that I think will bring the biggest improvements, and IME unless your amp/source is total garbage (which yours is not / should not be) then that is with speakers, which is why I would suggest some second hand, higher quality speakers, because I honestly think it would make the biggest difference, but like I said, if you are happy then fine, but you asked for advice, and I gave it... ;)
Fair enough but u were being rather negative in most of your replies, raising topics that were totally irrelevant. Im sure a new pair of speakers will bring great sonic benefits but i just want to hang on to the missions a wee bit longer. Anyway i did say im gonna audition both amps and speakers :rolleyes:
The thing about me overhyping certain products is fair enough, i do rate my kit highly, thats why i bought em in the 1st place! I recomend em to any1 looking for stuff in that price bracket. You too often recomended your own amp i dont see any problem with that. I do not wish to take this slagging off any further.

How come no one recommended the hi-tec micro-processor controlled Arcam A85 or A90?!

This innovative design have been winning awards ever since introduced. Cost around £800 new as an integerated amp and about the same as a second hand A85/P85 pre/power combo. Very reliable from what I have heard.





User Reviews,Amplifiers/Arcam,A85/PRD_125584_2717crx.aspx
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Once again..!!

a pair of meadowlark hotrods, and a big studio amp complete with 200 whacking great big watts per channel, built like a sherman tank, equiped with carry handles and VU meters flicking around, kicking ass all over the room.

lets rock, and forget this toy hifi malarky!!
:D :D
bottleneck said:
Id go for

1 a powerhouse of a second hand power amp for around 300 ( Ive seen a few in adverts that fit the bill).. maybe even a digital one as per the DIY 600w digital amp thread.

2 a DIY passive pre (about 100 if you use a stepped attenuator)

3 and a better pair of used speakers for about 400 used.

bloody hell... you've just outlined my plans to the letter :p

complete system overhaul, as soon as i can get my current kit shifted.
Bottleneck, cheers for the suggestion but i think my room is too small for something as meaty as the Yammy you mention! For my 1st move,I plan on listening to the Rotel 1062 against whatever similar priced alternatives they have in Martin's hifi in Norwich and gonna try get a home dem. Am also gonna try some Tannoy sensy DC2, Monitor Audio silver S8 and AE Aelite 3's. Meadowlarks do seem to be some of the best speakers on the market but its so hard to get hold of a pair for a dem, none of the hifi stores in Norfolk stock em :rolleyes:

ultrasonic, on the M51 / M53 thing, it would seem a little odd for Mission to suddenly start using a different tweeter on a bigger model in the same range. Somebody mentioned the 78 series BTW. The only one I've had a decent hands-on listen with was the top-of-the-range 783, and it was absolutely murdered by the Quad 21L and 22L - no contest at all, the Missions sounded really cheap, tacky, thumpy, undetailed and unrefined by comparison, at least to my ears and those of the friend I was with at the time.
Pete, Missions aint 4 every1, a few people like yourself find them very poor but some people love em. For my music they really do the trick(Rock,Metal, R n B and hip hop). Havent heard the 783's before but they wernt the pick of the bunch in the 78 series. Also, i believe they have side firing bass unit which is tricky to setup. Not saying missions are the best but they do it for some people. In comparison ive heard the award winning Quad 11L's with some expensive Cyrus gear and they sounded absolutely awful but all this IMHO. The £300 possie(B&W 602 s3, MA silver S1,Tannoy DC1) beat them hands down.I aint gonna use terms like Murder or slaughter as i find them abit OTT when talking about speakers...

Ultrasonic said:
the m53's are actually surprisingly good speakers :eek:, completely different league to the m51's

So speakers in the same range are in a completely different league to one another, but now you say things like "murdered" is a bit OTT. ;)
Aah well,

I gotta shock the other day too, I use B&W 704's, which I like immensly, some one else said they thought they were terrible.

But a problem I percieve is that when some one dosnt like a product they call it awful, when its merely different and not to their taste.

Right, Im off ta buy a yorkshire puddin, slobber. :D
paul, when did u get rid of your m51s mate?
are those the ela's your mate had?

rog, i'm gonna second the arcam a85 recommendation, look for a second hand one circa £500, then look for the p85 power amp. can't help thinking biamped m53s would sound quite a bit better :) .i had the p85 power amp for quite a while, quite a punchy little number and managed to control the cones of my MS860s very nicely :)
Rory said:
paul, when did u get rid of your m51s mate?
are those the ela's your mate had?

Nah mate, I bought some for myself, he still has his... the idea being I wanted a less picky speaker with regards to positioning and something with less bloated bass as the M51's were beginning to seem like they were all bass, but got a lot more than I bargained for :)

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