
Originally posted by mutant
Bolt Thrower OPENED for you :D:O??

Primus are good, les claypool has some fine bass skills. If you like bassy stuff like that, check out victor wooten :) (not strictly at all like primus, but VERY good bassist)

Indeed, Claypool is a superb bass player, and some of his solo bands have had some stunning names too - Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade, for example.

Roll on Friday, Maiden are going to rule. Like others, I'm not that impressed with the new album, but we'll see how it transfers to the live arena, there's some great stuff on there but some absolute cack too. I saw Saxon early in the year at the London Astoria at a friend's suggestion and they put on an excellent live show, definitely see them again.
Originally posted by ilockyer
I saw Saxon early in the year at the London Astoria at a friend's suggestion and they put on an excellent live show, definitely see them again.
I saw Saxon many years ago at a Hells Angels bike bash - definitely rockin but you could see why Spinal Tap was based on them!
The lead guitarist had to be rescued by a roadie after he got his leg stuck on a monitor - most entertaining. They were kind of upstaged by Rock Bitch who were on after them ;)

I saw Saxon back in 1983 or 4 in Brighton and to coin a phrase from a then current magazine they were Kerrrappppp. Only gig I've left before the end, the pub was definitely the better option. They were supported by some dubious Aussie rockers, sort of a female AC/DC, so bad I can't remember their name.

Stick to the good stuff Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple, Free, Bad Company, etc, etc

Look at this thread on PFM, just to prove that even flat earthers like to rock a bit!!

Mr Perceptive
Maiden, nah same tosh just rebadged, but Adie smiths ok, used to have drinking competitons with him on friday nites at Elmley Castle, the cider there could strip the paint off a roller, all 24 coats :D played football with Bruce & Blackmore in a german hotel carpark at 3 in morning, with J/lord and hermal rebell propping up the bar, fun nite that was :) Wm
Originally posted by Goomer
Did you find the drum sound a little weird when you saw them? It was good, I thought, but really artificial sounding IMHO.

I don't know - early 90s Plymouth Pavillions sound was shit no matter who played - clipped to oblivion treble so anything else was obliterated by ringing tinnitus within 5 minutes of them opening up (I'm NOT exaggerating either - I had HF hearing loss for a week after that gig). Same thing when I saw (ahem) Little Angels and (oh dear) Thunder - though at least Thunder had a naked chick on stage! It even clipped and trashed my hearing during the original Bottom live tour in 1993.

By all accounts the sound is much better these days - I boycott that venue through spite now though.

S.o.D are great - wish my mate Paddy had done the charitable thing and lent me his record collection before going round the world for 2 years. He has tonnes of Earache LPs and also loads of great cheesy early 80s punk like the Expoited - Maggie you c**t is one of the best tracks I've ever heard!

In fact, withdrawel from hearing his stuff got so bad that I was forced to buy Electro Hippies and Dr and the Crippins LPs a couple of weekends ago - what a bummer ;) I reckon the Electro Hippies' "Mega-armageddon death" has to be the shortest track I own :)

I found Panterra's Cowboys from hell to be a really nice mellow (which surprised me!) listen at a mate's party - good early hours of the morning music if you're having that kind of a party. ONly heard Vulgar display once, but it was pretty damn good - I must get some more of their stuff.
Originally posted by ilockyer
Indeed, Claypool is a superb bass player, and some of his solo bands have had some stunning names too - Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade, for example.

Oh man - I FORGOT about Les - he's the guy who has a lush 6 string bass isn't he? Roll on new year when I can buy myself my first bass since I flogged my old one in 1998 - he was one of my heroes along with (he he - don't snigger at the back) Mark King and of course Flea. Even Macca isn't too bad...

Originally posted by ilockyer
Roll on Friday, Maiden are going to rule.

Uh huh huh uh - rock on Brother Dickinson
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Glad to hear there are other people into both hifi and metal. Getting a bit sick of people asking me why I spend so much on a system and only listen to metal. Especially older black metal wich sounds like it is recorded on a crappy four track in a garage.

My taste's range from 90's black metal such as Emperor, Satyricon, Darkthrone Mayhem, death metal such as Obituary, Bolt Thrower, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse. Getting more into Thrash now. I was a bit too young to be old school thrash metal, but lately I've visited a show with Exodus, Agent Steel and Nuclear Assault and some other bands. Really cool to live in Holland as we have metal concerts about every weekend. Next up is probably Deicide.

Now Playing: Cephalic Carnage (freaky complex fast grindcore/death)

Anyone going to summer festivals such as Graspop or Wacken Open Air?
Hi Onno

I was a bit too young to be old school thrash metal, but lately I've visited a show with Exodus, Agent Steel and Nuclear Assault and some other bands.

Did you enjoy it? I remember all three bands from the thrash halcyon days of the eighties(I am old enough, I'm afraid) and was a big fan(along with Testament, Kreator, Death Angel, Coronor, Anacrusis to name a few) - I saw Nuclear Assault in (I think) 1988 when they were opening for Slayer and they ruled. Wanted to go and see them when they touring more recently(with Testament and Death Angel) but work commitments would not allow.

Anyone going to summer festivals such as Graspop or Wacken Open Air

Wacken, hopefully, providing I can persuade my brother to attend as well - I've not been before but have heard good things from fellow Brits who've attended.

I have to admit to having lost touch with a lot of what's current on the more extreme side of metal but this thread has rekindled a lot of my interest.
Originally posted by Onno
Now Playing: Cephalic Carnage (freaky complex fast grindcore/death)

Interesting to know some other people are listening to the more 'out there' stuff atm, what else are you listening to that not many people will have heard of? I listen to quite a lot of grind, gore, etc. (most of it is pretty crappy though, regurgitation for example).
Best band im spinning atm is nile, albeit older albums.
Blimey, this brings back a few memories! I was a big fan of both SOD and MOD and actually met Billy Milano when MOD played the Irish Centre in Birmingham (supporting Suicidal Tendencies IIRC) Dark Angel were a good band for the blacker metal but not as 'thrash' as bands like Morbid Angel which were mentioned earlier by someone.

Bathory were another of the good bands of that era, particularly the earlier albums and not the 'norse' influenced ones that were released later on, however, the recordings were terrible with heavily distorted drums and just generally crap levels, which was a shame because the music and lyrics were actually very good.

Did anyone ever experience Sabbat?
Originally posted by Goomer
Did you enjoy it? I remember all three bands from the thrash halcyon days of the eighties(I am old enough, I'm afraid) and was a big fan(along with Testament, Kreator, Death Angel, Coronor, Anacrusis to name a few) - I saw Nuclear Assault in (I think) 1988 when they were opening for Slayer and they ruled. Wanted to go and see them when they touring more recently(with Testament and Death Angel) but work commitments would not allow.
I most certainly did enjoy it. Thrash is always a pleasure to see live. The pounding mid-tempo rythms somehow give a heavier impression than some of the blasting death metal I generaly see. Great music for moshing, too.

Wacken, hopefully, providing I can persuade my brother to attend as well - I've not been before but have heard good things from fellow Brits who've attended.

If I were you I'd certainly go to wacken. Great atmosphere there.
The festival is generely well organised which is nice. I always go a few days earlier and that's no problem either. next year will be my 5th WOA. On you can find more info. I will be there for a week drinking warm beer and going to the local swimming pool, which is infested by then with long haired no good metalheads. The only downside to it is that there will be a lot of "true heavy metal" bands with singers who are "in touch with their feelings", which is gay, of course. But hey, it gives me the time to eat and drink in between the bands that I do like. Great advantage is that the never have so called NU-metal and you'll find the public to be generaly a bit older than what I remember from Dynamo when it still existed.

Oh yeah. about gore/grind

If you like cephalic carnage, maybe The Dillinger Escape Plan is something for you. I don't really have that much grind though I like the sheer brutality of some of it (e.g. mortician). There have been some new dutch bands lately playing brutal grind death. maybe you know some? Prostitute Disfigurement, Inhume. I consider it a shame that in the quest for ever deeper grunts some of these bands use pitchshifters on the vocals. I consider this cheating and the result doesn't sound good either...

But as I said earlier I'm not that into grind, more black, death and thrash. Thrash influences are returning to the extreme bands lately and i like that. for example The Crown, Hypnosia, Nocturnal Breed (which is basically a thrash project by some guys from the Norwegian black metal scene).

Which one? I know a Japanese Sabbat who play a kind of thrash influenced black metal. And I know of another one which is supposed to be thrash. I haven't got hold of any of their albums though.
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Did anyone ever experience Sabbat?

Yes! - second band that I ever went to see live(not counting support bands) and the first gig that I ever stagedived at(still the only one where the security crew actually helped you do this).

I love 'History of a time to come' and 'Dreamweaver' but lost interest when they changed vocalists - never liked Skyclad as much but that's just down to personal taste. I saw the reformed Sabbat at the first Bloodstock festival in Derby a couple of years back and they sounded good despite awful acoustics in the hall they were playing in.

Thanks for the Wacken link, Onno - I'll have a look in just a couple of minutes....
Prong, now theres a band you dont hear much about nowadays.

Has anyone here heard of a thrash band called tad? Been trying to source a CD of theirs for years, but haven't been able to find one yet :(
Yes, I remember Tad. They were part of the Seattle grunge/Sub Pop scene. I have 'God's Balls' LP and 'Salt Lick' ep. Haven't listened to them for ages. Pretty generic grunge but not too bad. I saw them live once. Tad (the man) was a very large chap to say the least and I'm pretty sure I remember him attempting a stage dive.

Don't seem to be available on Amazon and '8 Way Santa' LP is discontinued too. See

But and are still available.

Maybe try secondhand for the older stuff? See for full discography
Thanks for that, i had looked on amazon before, but couldnt remember if anything had come up. Very good band.
for those of you who like gore, cannibal corpse, kataklysm, carpathian forest, and others are playing 2 dates in UK in april, bradford rio n london underground. Ill be rocking at the rio, should be good ;D
Prong, definitely one of the best heavy bands to come out of the thrash scene. Everything from 'Beg To Differ' onwards also has some excellent production. Ted Parsons and Raven are now both in Killing Joke, another band that get pretty heavy at times, especially live.

Other quality bands of the ilk are Mordred, Sick Of It All, Life of Agony, Shelter and White Zombie.
I saw many a band in the late seventies,and I think the band that was supporting Saxon were Girlschool,but i can't be sure

Priest were just awesome,the British Steel tour was out of this world

as were Samson,Vardis,Quartx,UFO,Scorpions and many,many more

a truly great UK heritage:D (and German)

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