Originally posted by Markus Sauer
do I take it you used to be a dealer? Why did you stop and, if you don't mind me asking, are you still involved with the industry?
Have you found a company so far whose 'house sound' you can stand to listen to for any length of time? What do you like?
Markus, many years ago I was a lowly sales assistant in a London store, selling mainly mass market kit. These days I am involved in other areas, but looking at possibly rejoining the fray at some point (although I doubt now is the time)
House sounds. No I can't think of anything that I find exceptional on all music at all times. For me, there is a lot of fine kit out there, but I haven't found anything that does everything. A truly relaxing system rarely has the excitement factor required for certain musical genres, and much of the more exciting stuff burns me out in a shorter time. Sometimes I want music to just sound mellow and pure and to allow me to concentrate on other things. At others I want to sit transfixed and forget everything else.
So far, probably the closest approach for me would be some of the modern valve amps, from the likes of Audio Research, BAT and Berning. Front ends from Wadia, Levinson or CD12. Speakers I enjoy are large panels and truly transparent dynamic speakers such as the larger Avalons, my Merlins, and the Verities.
I basically want the components in my setup to have chameleon like qualities, and this usually means they are highly transparent. I also look for full bandwidth. The Moon gear I am currently using has many of the qualities that I look for, capable of timing to match the finest from salisbury, but also having a mellow side when needed. I am using the TacT RCS2.2X with it, with the option of switching it in or out of circuit. Basically this setup gives me two systems in one, which I can select by the remote. It seems to cover all bases for me.
But all that is just me, and I fully understand that my tastes might not correspond with anyone else's. I try to hear the good points in all stuff I listen to but there are some manufacturers house sound I find simply devoid of anything I find appealing. It's not the kit itself I find annoting. It;s the owners that somehow feel there is only one true path to audio nirvana, and seem to feel nothing else exists worth listening to.
I don't know of an amplifier manufacturer that makes truly exceptional speakers, neither do I know of a speaker manufacturer that makes great electronics. And the best front ends IMO come from specialists in that field.
Whilst big valve amps would be nice, I listen to the system for an average of five hours a day, and the running costs, and hassle keep me from going down that route. Dream system? Wadia 861SE, Tact RCS2.2X, Audio Research Ref300 Mono's & Reference 2 Preamp, a good vinyl front end (I don't have enough experience here) and JBL 9800 K2,s.
I did say Dream