its true...that is how they do can download many off the net, they are all the same, winisd is superb...
they all use these parameters of the drive units, in the old days it was worked out by maths, now thats all in a program...I AM not in the industry, just read a bit...but don't make them into something they are not..true lots of clever people, but any child could now design a good speaker....that's not naive, its the way it is....
..ahhh but it must be more to it than that, after all there is some black art, some mystique...not to making a box...its all in the figures, you just pick a few and build em.... goes...I have this company..I buy all my stuff cheap, cables £1 a metre, put some posh plugs on, and charge a fortune cos its in some nice packing
I did an hnd in electronic engineering 10 yrs ago, but I don't bloody understand electronic design properly...the people that really do this stuff are geniuses....esp. the older ones who worked on the theory...but I probably know more than most about the basics of designs...etc..what I say is thro my own experience of stuff, and I have owned quite a bit...and have a fair idea about the design of the stuff...bit geeky, yes I was curious...
its when you get stuff that has this hierarchy of hifi single ended zero feedback class a triode, or similar, all talked up, you pay a fortune, get it back, and find you like a transistor amp more that is class B, push pull, evil transistors, cheap makes you question stuff...all the stuff that's written in mags. the hype, the hard marketing saying this is best...when you find out a class A only has 8 watts out of 40 in class A, when you find a class B amp sounds better, when you see a naim circuit diagram that has no magic, no weird circuit that no-one knows about, gotten from an american manual, 30 years ago, its just a cheap circuit it makes you wonder why they charge so much, and ask why they have this religous following, tho' it does sound good...that's what makes me think this whole thing arises by a kind of accident, that you can't really design in a sound. After all, all you do is get the transistors to work properly. I have heard big psus sound wimpy in the bass, I have heard a 12 watter outpunch a naim for drive...its all random..I think
I have taken apart valve amps and put in some posh components..paper in oils costing £15 each...they were barely if at all better than some £1 orange drop caps., built my own silver cables, preferred some cheap copper, some people would say this is tantamount to a disaster sonically...its barely discernable, and I do have good ears...that's what makes you think some things are a money spinner..esp when you hear something with crap caps beat something with very expensive ones...
...when an audionote valve dac with no digital filter doens't sound any better than a cheap audio alchemy or midiman

tho it does very nice vocals, makes you question the makers statements about the superioriy...
..when valve amps have big capacitors in the signal path, use old hat technology, and miles of copper and magnetsim in the output transformer, makes you question why transistors with direct coupling don't sound as good GENERALLY.
incidentally, the best sound I ever had was some modded leak tl12s, driving some sensitive speakers of no given name! trouble is, my brother made me sell them
I have the circuit diagrams of a couple of musical fidelitys, pioneer a400, a300, I drew the circuit of icon audios amp, and lims valve amp which I think miffed him seriously...dunno why..big deal..,
I know tom evans work like the back of my hand, I have his iso circuit diagram-the groove is identical!!, got loads of valve info., a couple of naim circuits, some proaudio circuits, the crossover diagrams for proacs(they are all VERY similar), living voice auditoriums and avatars, that pissed him off...I asked what were the changes in the mark 2s., and he didn't reply as I knew the design, I find that a little rude..., why can you not discuss the design with someone?something to its cheap and you charge a bomb and you don't want this to get out?
audio-note stuff: valve dac, ongakus...
not sure why I bother sometimes, tho, its only a bit of music to listen to, it has this odd compulsion tho' like a drug...