Mf X-act Dac

maybe something like RS 805-271 .... it will have bags of spare cappacity so you could run other X units off it. thinking about it 50va is probabley well big enough.
zanash said:
maybe something like RS 805-271 .... it will have bags of spare cappacity so you could run other X units off it. thinking about it 50va is probabley well big enough.

where can I buy one from...done a search but nothing comes back as yet...
RS Electronics, thats what the RS is for ;)

EDIT: Here you go, I assume this will still work
RS Trannies
Last edited by a moderator: seems to be a Chassis Mount Frame...Hmmm.......!
well, since I know nothing about electronics or diy of this sort - maybe a better external power supply..?? excuse my ignorance tho...
you just need to stick it in a box ....non conducting maybe with some ventilation...

Pm me I can probabley sort it out for you ?
mr cat said:
well, since I know nothing about electronics or diy of this sort - maybe a better external power supply..?? excuse my ignorance tho...

The psu for these is on board, as in, inside the can. The transformer just takes the voltage down to a working level for the psu. You just need a bigger transformer.
zanash said:
you just need to stick it in a box ....non conducting maybe with some ventilation...

Pm me I can probabley sort it out for you ?

you have a PM...

I have a heavily modded X-ACT, I can share with you the work needed to get it sounding half decent. As standard it's not that good IMHO, it'll take work to get good sound from it. Inside there are cheap components, a poor PSU and NE5534 opamps :newbie: You'll need to remove the front panel and un-hook it from the PCB first then remove the rear / PCB. The case / screws won't take much abuse, if you have it apart alot you'll need to sleeve the screw holes to get any sort of grip for them.
NRG - thanks - I might be interested in that. Got the DAC today, but at the moment, the sound I get is of low volume level and heavily distorted with static. The guy who I bought it off didn't have the original power brick - instead, I got a crappy Crown one with multiple plugs that you can use. Do you recok it's the power 'brick' that's causing this?
Couldn't say, the original is labled 'Music Fidelity F34ADT-8'

Output is 12v AC 500mA.

Find another supply to check, any 12v AC one with 500mA or more. If that does the same then you want your money back.
Sounds likely............check it with a multi meter you need to supply it with 12 v ac .....

You can build a very respectable psu for about £25 if you want the details pm me.
Thanks - I'll see if I can 'borrow' one from work. Failing that, Maplins do them - without the voltage selection, but just at 12v, which is much better. Do you know if I need regulated or unregulated?
nsherin said:
Thanks - I'll see if I can 'borrow' one from work. Failing that, Maplins do them - without the voltage selection, but just at 12v, which is much better. Do you know if I need regulated or unregulated?

nsherin, Please note that you need a 12v "AC" 500mA Plugpack. I don't think they come in regulated?

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