zanash said:maybe something like RS 805-271 .... it will have bags of spare cappacity so you could run other X units off it. thinking about it 50va is probabley well big enough.
mr cat said:well, since I know nothing about electronics or diy of this sort - maybe a better external power supply..?? excuse my ignorance tho...
zanash said:you just need to stick it in a box ....non conducting maybe with some ventilation...
Pm me I can probabley sort it out for you ?
nsherin said:Thanks - I'll see if I can 'borrow' one from work. Failing that, Maplins do them - without the voltage selection, but just at 12v, which is much better. Do you know if I need regulated or unregulated?
nsherin said:Thanks
I've just found this:
Do you reckon this would work OK?