Mf X-act Dac

Inside there is an obsolete Sanyo LC8900K and LC78835. Two 5v regs one for each chip fed by a single diode and RC filter. The opamp is an NE5332 dual not the 5534 I said previously. +/- 15v rails for the opamp. The internals need work before replacing the external TX.
Went up to my local Maplins store today and picked up a 12v AC 500ma power brick. Plugged it in and hooked it all up to my system. After a couple of hours, first impressions are excellent - certainly more 'air', 'space' and detail than the NAD. Bass seems to be about the same or possibly a touch less, but that isn't a bad thing on some recordings that seem to have too much bass and thus sound a little distorted.

Had a look at the other power brick the other night that was causing problems - it was outputting 300ma - that might explain why I was having trouble!
You can get better results with a decent sized transformer....10va or more. The music is more relaxed less artificial. That said its not a patch on the NOS DAC .....even my modded X-DAC was left wanting. Though the NOS was not as good as the dac in my 99cdp.

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