Michael Jackson

I am not a Jackson fine, but please listen to some of his music, watch his performances, he was a genius and a brilliant brilliant performer. I have always had huge repsect for the guy and even liked some of his music but I am a punk.
I think us Aussies got british justice they sent my great great
great grand parents to this land of plenty pinched a loaf of bread now thats not a fair suck of the sav.wont let MJ rip evil lot . Noel W.
Why shouldn't you make jokes about dead people, MJ was famous, he courted publicity and frankly he was a freak.. Regardless of what you think about the claims made against him in court, he was an odd guy who lived by the publicity he created for himself.

So when he pops his clogs, he gets a joke-shoeing just like anyone else would. He sang some good songs, but let's forget he was just a song and dance man...
having a laugh at the expense of dead ppl must be a british thing
Being so bloody obsequious is an American thing. Ok, Yankees think it's normal to gyrate in your underpants. The British think that's just a bit sick.

As the other guy said, if you choose fame, you take the infamy with it. Mature, safe societies treat 'heroes' with a healthy dose of contempt, as a means of preserving civilisation. Had Germans (who take themselves so seriously, also) done that in the '30s, there would have been no Nazism.

Jackson had a bad start in life, but he could have made more effort, and got a grip. He was killed by his own narcissism.

I'm no great expert on pop music, but it seems to me that he and Madonna have made the best sonic productions of the genre. Real pros, anyway.
thanks! word of the day : obsequious:)

Are you saying that if germany had a sense of humour hitler wouldnt have invaded Poland?

Best one Ive heard all day:)
this is getting a bit tidious you not think? if so all the dead are a living joke,
just a thought, R.I.P. MJ,
you choose, personally i think that making jokes about dead people are sick, except one person who made the best one, t.cooper.