I get my cat to shit in the gardens of obnoxious neighbours.
Its a strange attitude we have to cats in this country I think. I dont know why we have given cats a 'right to roam' - and yet not to dogs, or any other pet. Its natural for all animals to roam their natural environment, and yet we have singled out one animal and given it free reign. I wouldnt object to the cat crap if the owners of the animals made visits to take it away. Thats just never going to happen, more's the pity. I'd be in favour of ''cat deterants'' such as lion crap, high pitched whistling devices etc. I dont see why I should have to pay for them though, perhaps it should come from some sort of small license fee charged to pet owners... it could also go towards the upkeep of dog-crap bins and bags for parks etc. Im fully with AK on the kids-back-garden thing. I wouldnt let my own kids play barefoot in the back garden for fear of standing in it, and when I own a freehold property and have no pets, theres no reason why I should have to compromise like that. just a little rant
dogs are pack animals if allowed to roam free they revert to the wild, if you have never see this its quite frighten, they will also attack unprovocted. cats are not pack animals, they tend to be solitary and hunt on there own. Shit is shit ! at least cats bury their's as to dead things ...if you keep preditors you must accept the risk of seeing ther prey . A chap at work was called home by his hysterical wife as the dog had eaten there pet rabbit in front of there small child.......we thought it a bit much that he took two days off, much grumbling and chuntering........ When he returned he explained that the dog had indeed eaten the pet bunny, then proceeded to visit various rooms in the house to sick up the various part digessed bunny body parts, leaving the chewed head on the rug in the lounge.
Fight shit with shit isnt such a good idea when you stand in it I dont dislike cats, I just wish they stayed off my garden, I didn't let my dog shit in theirs! It is when you force feed it to their owners
I'm disappointed that what started out as a fun, albeit entirely random, thread has degenerated to this...
Some great idea's about free roaming animals, lets lock up birds and insects aswell, just to be on the safe side
Partly my fault Isaac. I think I hit on something which is fairly universal.. people who dont have cats but do have gardens, object to cat-landmines! I'm not suprised cat owners have a different vue. I wouldnt want to chase my cat round the neighbourhood picking up its mess from neighbours gardens. I don't think I'd object to a couple of quid a year to make parks, public places and private gardens a safer environment from faecal diseases and such like. NB Rsand - that Lioncrap is something you put in your borders apparently. It stops the cats from coming in (or so I've been told), and I presume fertilizes your border plants too. Bonus!
i visit a lot of peoples houses and i can always tell when they have a dog. frankly the vile things reek. cats don;t. whether this is just me or not i don;t know but given a choice between a cat and a dog... i'll take the cat every time. also imo anyone who has kids and a dog is playing with fire. cheers julian.
I know what would happen to the person that tried modifying 55Kgs of Airedale terrier(one of mine)....it wouldnt be the dog that got "modified"
Back on topic!! How about a nice big BG 3300uf cap inserted in their bum's to stop them shitting everwhere. A smaller one for birds that seem to wait till i have washed the care before EXPLODING their arses. BTW my comments as usual are said firmly with tongue in cheek! ie I have never and would never shoot any living thing (except with a water pistol, which is a reccomended way of keeping cats out of your garden, they hate being shocked and also hate getting wet so if you catch them often enough they learn there not welcome)
OH what have I started ??!!! Just a few points: 1)Those who support Cats are right. 2) Those who support dogs are wrong. 3) Cats are generally clean and dogs do smell and slobber saliva and unwiped bums over cloth seats. 4) The reason Cat shit is found open sometimes in gardens is kittens are often taken away too early to learn proper shit burial and sometimes because mum never got the chance to learn herself . 5) analoguekid: you said it was irresponsible to let Cats out when your children could come into contact with their shit. It is you who is irresponsible for letting your children out instead of being locked in cupboards I mean, outside they could disturb a Cat or annoy it. These things I have said are true and incontravertable. Do not argue. I hope for your sakes that no Cats are actually reading all this because those of you who spoke ill of them will be punished after they take over. I sleep in a basket.
Whether it's buried or not it's still a pain in the arse. I hate it when I'm gardening and I find a turd mine
I'll show my mums cat this when Im next up there. She's got an evil glint in her eye and revenge will be sweet. BTW, she is fully shit trained, has never killed anything (in fact she runs away from the cockatiel) and is groomed to perfection. She is prone to throwing-up fur balls though.
Lordsummit: the answer is very very simple - Do not garden. It is written: "And so it was, that Cat would have domain over the earth and its beasts, including man, and go forth to spread their mark wherupon they choseth..." Genesis, 3:7.