Modifying a dog.

That cat carrier is one of the best things I've ever seen...had us all laughing here...many thanks!
surely a cats output can be cleansed by simply upgrading your beast by fitting it with a catylitter convertor??

sorry - i'll leave the stage...........
Boom Boom ! Yes, indeed. Anyway, to get back to the original topic of modifying a dog: I have obtained a second hand Experiment Beagle for the project. Now, is there anyone here who has the engineering skills to help me realise my remote control modified dog?
For those who don't like to have cats in their gardens, I'll let you into a little secret. Cat's love cayenne pepper! One sniff and they leap into the air for joy, then do a little dance and run around like mad things. The thing is that they won't run around on the land that is covered with the divine seasoning so if this is your garden then you have a result. You're happy and the cat is happy (apparently) :)

Oh, and if they dig up your rockery, just plant cocktail sticks in it :D
I think itsn't it Sony that have made the robotic pet? All the good things about owning a pet with none of the drawbacks. Now if they could take that one stage further and applied this to kids......... I'll get my coat.

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