ok folks they arrived...
love em...
detail, they seem to give more detail in music than the wharfedales.when i say more detail i mean less couleration.
voices seem to be a lot more promenant,accoustic music sounds very sweet and warm.i havent had a chance to fully listen to them yet though.
they do seem to be a tad bright.every thing seems to be in the mid to high.perhaps because im used to the wharfedales and also because the stands havent arrived yet.
the sound dosent seem to be very deep but im thinking stands might sort this out.as for soundstage,they do deliver well where the wharfedales couldent,everything is nicley spaced.
with dance music(orbital middle of nowhere)they seem to get a bit confused or jumbled as if theyr not quite sure what to do with it.once again though perhaps stands will sort this out.
ok on the bass side of things they cannot deliver the same punch as the wharfedales,in fact they seem a bit light,once again probably because im not used to small speakers,one thing i did notive though,i can hear detail in the bass,especially in jazz when a double bass is being played i can hear the strings reverbarating/resonating and i couldent with the wharfedales,also in live performences,im not 100 percent sure if i could hear this with the valdus(if i could i dident notice) but on a live oscar peterson performance i heard people in the audiance cough... also ive noticed the volume has to be turned up more to get the same noise level,does this mean theyr harder to drive?
anyways im off to give them another listen,im hoping the stands arrive soon and then i can have a proper listen.i cant help thinking though that i might need a sub or centre speaker,problem is ive only got a two channel amp with only two speaker outs,L+R.
oh btw they are a lot more pleasant to look at than the wharfedales,very pretty.
will give you a better review when the stands arrive.