MP3 vs. WAV

msageryd said:
have you tried the analogue output on the Squeezebox?
How would you rate it? I'm not happy at all with the analogue output.

As you know, I'm looking for a DAC. And I'll also borrow the new version of Music Fidelity's X10d (don't know the exact name).

I'm borrowing the following home tomorrow to try with my Squeezebox:
- Rega Mira 3
- Myryad MI120
- Arcam AVR200 (has digital input)
- The x10d-thing

About FLAC/MP3... I'm sure there is lots of music that sound alike in the two formats. But I'm also pretty sure that I would be able to name the formats in a blind test with Eva Cassidy.

Anyway - it feels good to have FLAC. Now I can do whatever I want with it.



the original mf xd-10 was supposed to enhance budget cd players etc. B4 getting a dac, I've used one on the analog lineout of my pc to good effect, so I guess the new one will work even better. MF even claim its good enuff for more highend gear which is plain daft.

Given that the new xd is 300 quid, a better bet would be getting a s/h dac as Julian suggests. More flexibility in the long run, as well as a better sound IMHO.

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