Music or hifi?

(Tag McLaren is expensive and is not particularly good, Lavardin or Meridian are not very expensive and they are excellent)


Maybe you shoud say you don't particularly like TAG, I do, and Meridian is as, or more expensive than TAG, and I particularly don't like it... ;)

As for music or hifi, it depends mainly on each ears and personal taste, IMHO... :MILD:
In order to keep Graham Happy


I have two seperate systems from the same manufacturer. I think that the expensive one is more ******* than the cheaper one.

This is only my opinion and I only saying this because I think it is correct. I apologise to anyone if I appear bombastic.

I hope you don't mind me saying this.

Thank you very much


I quite agree, all hifi matters must be understood in an IMO bases...

As I said in one of these fora, the question is there are a lot of parameters by which to judge sound. Dynamics; transparency; bandwidth; resolution; power; timbre correctness; and so on.

Usually one values some parameters over the others (I do it: transparency, resolution and timbre correctness). So when one is comparing gear one is not necessarily talking about the same things.

A good analogy is with preferences over women (we all almost all males, here, so this isn't a phalocratic statement). You may value the eyes; or the smile; or the ankles; or the waist and hips; or the bosom. Or the neck and chin. The list is endless. That's why we all like different things in girls. Again, it is all in an IMO bases, and I don't think anyone has a problem with it.

Now, with hihi, we take it for granted that we are all talking about sound on absolute bases. That is why we have arguments.

I never saw men having heated arguments about the beauty of women... We all know what we are talking about: 'But look at her legs!!' 'Yes, but that twisted mouth spells contempt'. And so on.

The real question is that we see much better than we hear. When hearing is concerned we most often aren't aware of the fact that we are mostly talking on cross purposes.

Take an example. Big Tone likes the Monitor Audios Gold. They are quick, exciting and go down. If you favour excitement you'll love them. But I am searching for timbre correctness and an extended and true sounding midband and treble. So I favour features in which the MA-GR isn't strong.

Does that mean he is wrong and I am right? Of course not: mixing my metaphors, he favours a big bosom and a large bottom and I favour beautiful legs and an elegant neck. That's all there is to it.

Edited to correct all sorts of misspellings and such things.
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Originally posted by RdS
[BTake an example. Big Tone likes the Monitor Audios Gold. They are quick, exciting and go down. If you favour excitement you'll love them. But I am searching for timbre correctness and an extended and true sounding midband and treble. So I favour features in which the MA-GR isn't strong.

Does that mean he is wrong and I am right? Of course not: mixing my metaphors, he favours a big bosom and a large bottom and I favour beautiful legs and an elegant neck. That's all there is to it.

Rds, nice use of metaphors, I think you'll find that your poilte explanation of 'Boom and Tizz' is a touch of date, me old mucker, and some what may short of the mark, I would have agree'd before Xmas, but now, I feel that my' Beautiful Neck, with exquiste curvious textures, and Nell McAndrew's Legs, breasts and Kylie's cute pert Butt , (otherwise known as my good lady :) ) Vocal timbre and transparency eh?, you may well be serious surprised at the 'Naturalness it displays', but with all the traits of Dynamic's, Henry may well enlighten your good self as to it's Realisum, Porsche's excellent Choice 911 turbo 4 1996, top ride :) Tone
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Like the Brasilians say, and I agree, (very loose translation):

Every woman is nice, if you had enough boose... :JPS:
Originally posted by kermit
err , except you missed a bit :D

what,s a hihi?:D

A hihi (pronounced hee-hee) is the sound a French girl in heat utters when she is playing coy.

It is also a mispelling of hifi, but that has nothing to do with the present context.:cool:
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Rds, nice use of metaphors, I think you'll find that your poilte explanation of 'Boom and Tizz' is a touch of date, me old mucker, and some what may short of the mark, I would have agree'd before Xmas, but now, I feel that my' Beautiful Neck, with exquiste curvious textures, and Nell McAndrew's Legs, breasts and Kylie's cute pert Butt , (otherwise known as my good lady :) ) Vocal timbre and transparency eh?, you may well be serious surprised at the 'Naturalness it displays', but with all the traits of Dynamic's, Henry may well enlighten your good self as to it's Realisum, Porsche's excellent Choice 911 turbo 4 1996, top ride :) Tone

That would be the Meadowlarks' doing. Good to see your taste in women is getting better :D ;) .