My feelings about the Heathrow show

The Devil said:
The analogy (for the hard of thinking) with turbocharging an engine / using Mana is that both improve performance.

Turbo-charging improving the power output of a given engine is a fact whereas the Mana improving sonic performance is subjective to say the least.
The Devil said:
The analogy (for the hard of thinking) with turbocharging an engine / using Mana is that both improve performance.
I don't think this thread mentioned Mana until you posted some comment in post # 134.

It occurs to me that if anyone else was to go on and on about any product as you do about Mana, including gratuitous plugs for that product even when such plugs are inappropriate or unnecessary, other forum members would bite off their own heads rather than subject themselves to the relentless & terminal boredom resulting from reading such threads.

Yet your mentions of Mana remain fascinating and of enormous interest to everyone. How do you do it?
The Devil said:
AK, these are more or less the precise words I used when I made a few remarks about your hi-fi. I think you should either get over it or get Mana!

James I had nothing to get over, it was your insistence that you had all the answers that annoyed me, and your repetitiveness, anyway my remark was not aimed at you, just Hifi in general. :)

Besides I think that was what I had been saying, you seemed to insist that we were wrong and we'd all understand when we too had seen the light, I think that your stance was about as far removed from this statement as it's possible to get. That stance suggests modesty, your staements were borderinhg on arrogance, not the same, maybe that's what ypou meant to say, but it didn't come accross that way.
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Well I tried the Mana thing! and I found no differance in sound quality for cash outlay,sold the Mana stuff and put in a dedicated mains spur to supply my system less cost and vast improvments in sound quality,and besides Mana made my system look like a turd on a snooker table
nankin said:
Well I tried the Mana thing! and I found no differance in sound quality for cash outlay,sold the Mana stuff and put in a dedicated mains spur to supply my system less cost and vast improvments in sound quality,and besides Mana made my system look like a turd on a snooker table

The Devil said:
The analogy (for the hard of thinking) with turbocharging an engine / using Mana is that both improve performance.

You dont need a turbo for high performance :rolleyes:

Such as you dont need m*n* for a high performance hifi (unless you're hard of thinking I guess)
Just getting back on topic - I didnt notice any m*n* at Heathrow this year.....or the last.........or the one before that............or before that................<repeat to fade>
lAmBoY said:
Just getting back on topic - I didnt notice any m*n* at Heathrow this year.....or the last.........or the one before that............or before that................<repeat to fade>
Errm, that might be because they weren't there.

Don't worry lamboy: you really don't need Mana.

Devil says Mana not nescessary!

Our roving reporter is on the case, outside local mental hospital.

"It's not funny really" says Mana man John Watson, "I mean he is one of our high priests of the Brotherhood of Mana"

"All the 'Naysayers' have finally pushed him over the edge" exclaims John "We need to get him back to Wales for some brainwashing"

We'll be back when we have some more news on this breaking story.
I'm afraid Bub had his blessed 'Ringing hammer' withdrawn by the exhaulted leader of the glass & ironware frederation, due to conduct unbecomming that of a grand master of ferrous whorship, thus shedding the jw instiution of (alledged) sonic excellence in a bad light (is that possible?_). Had his botty spanked in front of the inner circle & was cast into the world of weenies without brotherhood protection, discomendation, the worst punishment that St. jw could meat out!.

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