Myths, Mythos & voodoo or music?

I thought so - I spotted you on Visordown the other day:)

I could come down on mine but I'm not sure the diffuser would bungee on the back...
Originally posted by penance
crap forum tho innit:rolleyes:

It's limited yes. They aren't particularly interested is discussing things at any depth, which is a shame.

Could you imagine the equivalent of the cable debate on VD:yikes:
Originally posted by maddog 2
It's limited yes. They aren't particularly interested is discussing things at any depth, which is a shame.

Could you imagine the equivalent of the cable debate on VD:yikes:
They could discuss the differences between spark plugs :lol:

I can just imagine it. A's spark plugs give you more torque at high revs. Yes, but B's spark plugs give you more torque at low revs. Ah, but A's spark plug also give a slightly fruitier exhaust note. And so on add nauseam... :SLEEP:

And then there's the tyre wars :eek:
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Originally posted by wadia-miester
Lawrie, all the guests can conduct the comparsions in any way the feel, unhinded, this is not just about cables, but how people percieve 'changes' that may/may not happen, weather it amps/cdps/phono stages, and why people can hear no difference, or maybe such a small differnece it's not worth the effort, or is it the golden ear club looking for some thing that's not there.

Hey WM!

No sweat dude! I just thought that as you were putting this 'little shindig' together, that you would take the lead in determining ââ'¬Å"how people perceive changes that may/may not happenââ'¬Â. Hence my suggestion to remove the hardware from the equation (be it cables, dacs, CDPs etc) by blindfolding some of the listeners as then, they would be using only their ears to listen not their eyes which can affect one's perception of what we hear. Hope you caught my drift.:D Then it would be easy for people to determine whether or not the 'realistically priced stuff at cracking prices' sound better than the likes of the wallet bursting Nordost Valhalla PC etc., etc.

These are tests that me and my circle of music-loving friends here in Lawrieville perform for each other and you'd be surprised at what that turns up as opposed to sighted tests which no doubt you and the crew will be performing. Another wasted opportunity I feel?;)

Enjoy the music,

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Originally posted by sideshowbob
I'm there, dude. I'll bring my scepticism with me.

-- Ian

Iain I'm counting on you mate, although we have a bigger sceptic coming too :eek: , I don't know the results as much as the next man, so it'll be fun, else the real ales are rather good too :)
I'm allowed out on the 31st too. So I guess I'll be seeing you....

I'm not going to bring a pair of Isobariks. But I could bring a pair of ESL63s. Or Linn Kans. And/or my antique Karik/Numerik. Or an old piece of thin-wire Ethernet cable to try as a digital interconnect.

Originally posted by Lawrie
These are tests that me and my circle of music-loving friends here in Lawrieville perform for each other D

Now I'm not into all that Lawrie, I might have to bring my stungun as protection! Still should be fun to use it on the blindfloded ones;)
Yes Paul, you can bring alone you earthnet digi and try it against our earthnet stuff all 5 of them, some even with silver bullets :rolleyes: I do wonder why some times I even get into bets with Timpy :D & the kans too will be cool, we have enough room for 14 at any one time, so if we can spread it out over the day, that would good.
put me down. :)

I'll make up a set of diffusers for the trip. See what you guys think of them. I'll also make up some stands for them as I'm sure you won't want me drilling holes in your walls.

can you pm the address, details etc. ta
Graham, we can do 14 at any one time, but if we spread you guys out during the day, maybe 20 ?, there'll be 1 'fixed' system, one guys can bring and swop/test, blind abuse your own, and my test cell, you can swop pieces in and out of, so you won't be short of kit to play with, plus what you guys bring :) (your speakers if finished would be nice mate). Tone

I can confirm for the 31st of Jan. Should be interesting. I'll bring some interesting music.


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