NAD S300 integrated = Gryphon Tabu Century?

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. :cool: Suffice it to say I'm getting it from a private seller here in California. (I'm a bit paranoid about losing the deal, until it's actually at my home.)

And Isaac: Thanks for the good word on the NAD link; that makes my life easier.
I wasn't worried about you in particular; just the public forum in general. :MILD:

I'm upgrading from a NAD C372, which sounds fine to me (maybe that's heresy here), but I just cannot resist the build quality of the S300.
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You're going to love the S300 / S500 combo. I'm running them with a pair of mission 775s at the moment, but would love to upgrade (folding stuff allowing). Dyns are definately on the wish list so I'll be very interested to hear your experiences when you get the NADs though.
Originally posted by stumblin
Dyns are definately on the wish list so I'll be very interested to hear your experiences when you get the NADs though.
When my mate (the one who inspired this whole thread) was demoing the S300 he brought it to my place and it sounded extremely good with my Dyn 1.3MkIIs :)

He himself has a pair of Dynaudio Craffts and they're working very well with his newly purchased S300 :)

(btw penance, that one was on for just £650 - £770 inc. courier to Portugal ...sorry, not helping am I :JOEL: )

I love it when you guys talk this way. By some miracle both the S500 and S300 are also here in California, so I may have them this week. Can't wait. I may run RCA interconnects until I get some cables with XLR connectors--I need them with one female end and one male, I'm guessing?

Now should I really embarrass myself, and ask what balanced means? Nawww. Too shameful. :o
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Hard 8, yes, balanced cables with XLR connectors always have one male and one female plug - I think it would be difficult to get them any other way.

I'll leave someone else to explain what a balanced cable is properly as I'm bound to mess it up. Basically, because there's a 2nd conductor (+ ground) which will be affected by any noise or interference the same as the signal conductor which means that you can subtract the two signals to get rid of any interference. This makes them especially good over long distances where interference can be more of a problem.

FWIW I just ordered two pairs of Van den Hul D102MkIII in balanced form for running from my DAC->Pre and Pre->Power as I'll shortly be getting my new BentAudio "NOH" preamp and have finished building my LC Audio based power amp :)

OK, now you're talking over my head, although it does sound sweet. And since I just closed the deal on this amp (please give me joy) now I can reveal that it was listed on for a long time before I got it just now. The seller is including, for a small extra price, "a pair of balanced Alpha-Core silver Micro-purl .6 meter." Sounds good to me. I yam so happy! :D
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What is the relationship between Gryphon and NAD?
None whatsoever. Some confusion may have arisen because NAD's then chief shareholder also for a brief period had shares in Gryphon. During that time there was never any NAD ownership or influence with regard to Gryphon, which remained an independent, autonomous entity.
I've seen that quote before. It says nothing about the question of whether Gryphon built the S300 for NAD under contract, which is my theory.

Since Gryphon is in Denmark, and the S300 was built in Denmark, and (perhaps) NAD has no factory in Denmark, and in light of the Tabu - S300 similarities, I for one believe that Gryphon most likely built the S300.

Please see my new thread (I'm drafting it now) for my own Silverline experience (I just bought a used S300 and S500), and my burning question. Thanks.
That quote comes from the Gryphon site but I believe I quoted it earlier on in the thread. However, they would say that wouldn't they? It's in Gryphon's interest to distance themselves as much as they can from NAD and the S300.


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