Naming Cables?


Caible indeed.

Anadin is cracking as well. Julian is certainly onto something as well :D

What about DINosaurs, should fit ;)

Talking of Din cable. Could you bring some to the 'Bake-Off'? Might solve our power amp deficiency if we can use the Naims.

Silent cable
Caable ('clear as a bell')
NoCab (no cable)
Anaconda, python, viper, cobra, etc.
Today we have naming of cords. Yesterday,
We had thorough cleaning. And tomorrow morning,
We shall have what to do after playing. But today,
Today we have naming of cords. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighouring gardens,
And today we have naming of cords.

This is the positive cable. And this
Is the negative cable, whose use you will see,
When you are given your cords. And this is a WBT plug,
Which in your case you have not got. The branches
Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures,
Which in our case we have not got.

This is the phono plug, which is always released
With an easy twist of the top. And please do not let me
See anyone pulling the cable. You can do it quite easy
If you put any strength in your twist. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see
Any of them pulling their cable.

And this is the plug connector. The purpose of this
Is to insert the plug, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly inwards and outwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly inwards and outwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
They call it easing the Spring.

They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your twist: like the top,
And the plug, and the power amp, and the knob for balance,
Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom
Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards,
For today we have naming of cords.

(with apologies to Henry Reed)

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