New Audio Physic spkrs

just to qualify that last comment,they are a standard 2 way with a 4 1/2" driver.In the days of leather,walnut,3 and 4 ways with 10" bass drivers,how on earth are they form over function? so is real wood veneer now to be sneered at?
Saab said:
just to qualify that last comment,they are a standard 2 way with a 4 1/2" driver.In the days of leather,walnut,3 and 4 ways with 10" bass drivers,how on earth are they form over function?

Saab, they are a three way. Why place bass drivers at 90 degrees to the listener?

1) looks nice

2) ??????????
I'd say a sideways firing 10" bass driver is aesthetic over function too.

But, at least they have a reasonably sized bass driver !
Function of a narrow baffle is to help with better imaging? At least I think Ive read that somewhere before.

Side firing drivers? Does directivity really matter at these frequencies? Or do they offer more options for placement (ie drivers firing inward or outward).

7deg angle on front for time alignment?

Seems to me that AP have attempted Function over form.

Im not naive enough to think that this isn't mostly marketing guff, but hey at least AP have made a good job.

Can anyone think of other spkrs where function over form is the design ideal?
fair enough Merlin,but they are still pretty basic in design compared to many.At least they aren't covered in leather.I think they look decidely normal
The Amphion Krypton loudspeaker system is designed with a 12" side-firing woofer which crosses over at 100 Hz. The opposite side of the cabinet is a slab of polished granite set into the birch-veneered enclosure (my guess is that it helps to balance the weight of the driver as well as giving it something to "push" against. Two 8" SEAS Excel Bass/Mid drivers then take over before crossing over at 1200 Hz to an alluminium tweeter set deeply into a sculptured waveguide. This 'horn-loaded' arrangement handles all frequencies from 1200 Hz upwards therefore avoiding a cross-over point in the critical 3-5 Khz which human hearing is most susceptible to.

To my MY ears and in MY system in MY room they sound good and certainly do not lack bass impact!
As you say Saab, they look fairly normal.

But, I'd go with a 12" coupled to that mid and tweeter, time aligned but with all drivers facing the listener.

Not as pretty I grant you, but having lived with bass drivers facing the listening position, and others firing in odd directions, I really cannot see the latter as anything but a poor aestetic compromise. Hence my assertion :)

Does anyone know the crossover frequency on those AP's?
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Snoop - I heard those Kryptons at a show last year (I forget which show) - I thought they sounded excellent. Oh, they also look very very cool:)

What sort of £GBP do they retail? I just wish I could get them direct from Finland (I go regularly for business) but I fear they would be too big for my room.

I got a very very good deal but the UK importer reckons £8K!

I got the first UK pair in January after having lived with the Xenons for a two week period over last Xmas. I liked the Xenons but craved something on a larger scale!

I auditioned the Kryptons with juice by Lavardin and sauce (err...source) by Lindemann (very nice!). Currently being warmed by a CJ Premier 350SA (around 500 watts RMS into their 6 ohm load!).

My room size is 24' X 11' X 8' and because of the width I needed speakers that would work well close to boundaries.

The Stentor III in the corner was a 'gift' from WM and is used normally for nose bleeds and a ruptured spleen when watching a movie!

Glad the Rel is settling in ok..
The CJ slightly better then the ol' 1200E then :D (I reckon so!!! by a fair way too)
Mind you, Wm's lack bass impact, is quite passable I believe ?
The Devil said:
Give some examples please.

:) Obviously I was being non-specific, and what looks nice is obviously always going to be down to personal taste. As examples let's say, speakers by Castle llike their Conway 3s. You'll no doubt say they don't do real bass but lets see... I don't really think it's worth getting into a debate over speakers that look good but also sound good though ;)

If there really does come a point at which we can't tell what direction a sound is coming from (and I think this is the case), then the obvious progression is to turn bass drivers round onto the sides of speakers, or even go the whole hog and have a seperate sub. You do of course want to make damn sure that only the very lowest frequencies come from the side firing units or it would clearly cause problems. I wonder what people think of the issue of time alignment for the lowest frequencies, below say 60Hz?

Possibly side firing drivers do though make positioning more problematic, with greater emphasis on side walls as well as the back wall?
merlin said:
Makes a big difference in my experience ;)

This was something you paid attention to with your large subs then? (Forgive me, I've never been sure of your relationship with TACT, but possibly you used something like their room correction system?).

Obvisously if this is an issue then time aligned bass drivers on the front baffle are the way to go... If I make it to the Heathrow show I'm going to have to try and keep track of bass driver arrangements and see what I think.
Time aligned bass? I'm thinking Usher Dancer series or Thiel, maybe Avalon.

I always wonder how far away from the spkrs you have to be for the alignment to be correct? Surely this depends on wavelength - or am i missing something?

Also just spotted a new Meridian CD player - this one with added pre amp functionality - andno DVDA!!!


oops, hijacked my own thread :shame:
The Devil said:
The problem with you lot is that it's all about looks first, "waf" second, sound last. And you are soooo impressed by the latest "technology".
Not me m8, with speakers at least...
Mine are just bloody big boxes with basic veneer built about 25 years ago!
They definitely do bass though :D
lAmBoY said:
I always wonder how far away from the spkrs you have to be for the alignment to be correct? Surely this depends on wavelength - or am i missing something?

Wavelength won't affect it since the speed of sound and thus the propagation time is frequency independent. I think you must be right though that the time alignment will only be right at one particular distance from the speaker, as it's a question of having the effective acoustic source point for each driver at the same distance from the listener's head.
I agree that Castle speakers look & sound good, the Chesters, at any rate.

The Duevel just proves my point - they look awful so they must be good!

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