'New' cables on 'old' equipment

The effort Tones went to to be inventive and interesting he's most welcome to post as he has as far as I'm concerned...
Michael, you really are a provocative old madam aren't you. If you were close to hand I'd give you a damned good schlap.

BTW, is your amp really any good? Only asking 'cos ZAP have that new power amp avaialbe ready made for a grand.
Originally posted by merlin
Michael, you really are a provocative old madam aren't you.
Pot <cough> Kettle <splutter> Black :D

BTW, is your amp really any good? Only asking 'cos ZAP have that new power amp avaialbe ready made for a grand.
I reckon it is :) . Mine cost me about £700 to make (a £300 saving) and it uses an 800VA transformer instead of the 500VA one in the LC Audio Predator. Whether that really makes a difference I don't know.

The Predator also has a much simpler (and much cheaper and smaller) PSU. I would expect that my amp and the Predator would sound pretty similar though.

Aww come on Mr P:(

The Sun is Shining
the weather is sweet
Don't go using your forum swapping feet
Now Steady Boys :cry: Please replace those pink handbags, after all it's only a peace of electron transfer conduit :D
Hey, trust me on this, (remember what I do for occupation here :p ) I get more sceptisum that you can shake a stick at, yet Tones is only doing what he feels to lighten up the situation (I feel his humour is diametrically opposite to mine but yet no the less valid).
I repsect that a good deal of guys geniunely cannot tell a difference, I've never grief'd em' over it, I have however given some stick to those that tell me I'm hearing things :D
Thats different. anyway not the issue.
Lets not fall out over another cable thang. so can we get back to normal, Andy, If yours turely can cope, then really it shouldn't be a problem for you, the forum works better as a team ying & yang for the basis, without either its pretty non interfacing reactionary llow level agreement tedium :eek: and that my friend is to hifi what cold lumpy custard is to foreplay :)
Its a beautiful day, the wine is open and Peter Gabriel is playin' da house :) don't spoil it guys with something that really isn't worth getting upset for cheers Tone
Some of you rearly DO need to Chill.........forums are as much about chat, fun and a bit of mutual piss taking is it not? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by penance

Apparently it is OK for non-believers to tell us we are wrong and to ridicule it, but vice versa and we get a 20 page thread telling us we are in the wrong.

Actually IME the 20 page threads usually end up revolving around discussing some item of technical data or statistical analysis, and I for one find them informative and entertaining. If they just degenerate into slanging matches they end up in The Kindergarten, and there haven't been many of those for a while.

Originally posted by merlin

Michael, you really are a provocative old madam aren't you.

:lol: Says Mr Forum Pacificist himself ;)

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