New digital front end

michaelab said:
Yes, and with the Craffts you thought the DAC64 sounded amazing and you also said you didn't know how anyone could call the DAC64 harsh ;)

Vasco, you need to find your own way and not get too influenced by Tube Dude...


Come on Mike... Let me refresh you memory. You've always liked the glowing blue but when you changed to an optic digital cable you thought it was harsh without it... Why is that?

I understant what the glowing blue can do for an anemic system with Arcam amplification or transformers for volume control.

The Crafft's have the famous silk dome ESOTAR tweeter which is no doubt accurate within its range of operation but too silky for its own good... it rolls-off quicker than desirable.

The DAC64 isn't only agressive, it sounds compressed in comparision... not real.
What about finding an old MMB style Dac? Offers the best of both worlds in theory. Something like an Accuphase DP91.
BerylliumDust said:
Come on Mike... Let me refresh you memory. You've always liked the glowing blue but when you changed to an optic digital cable you thought it was harsh without it... Why is that?
First of all, the difference was very subtle. Secondly, the optical cable reduces noise from the transport which is something that can cause high end hash and agressiveness.

I'm mystified how you can change your opinion so radically from one day to the next. The day before you heard Tube Dude's CD202 I was listening to your DAC64 and the Yammy's and I thought it was harsh but you thought it sounded incredible. I'd like to hear this amazing modded CD202 one day but I can't believe it will be that different. Anyway, why, after hearing this modded 202 is the DAC64 suddenly worse than anything else out there when just the day before it was one of the best? Also, why aren't you looking for an old Philips CDP and getting Tube Dude to mod it for you instead of now randomly hunting around for anything but a DAC64? Surely that would be cheaper? What about your Meridian 507 that you're using as a transport - is that now suddenly better than the DAC64? I seem to remember that the DAC64 completely destroyed your Meridian when you first got it...

merlin said:
What about finding an old MMB style Dac? Offers the best of both worlds in theory. Something like an Accuphase DP91.


I'll be trying the Accuphase DP75, which is from the same vein as the DP91. We'll see of what it is capable of under the Beryllium dust... the powerfull and only elixir of truth.
[Anyway, why, after hearing this modded 202 is the DAC64 suddenly worse than anything else out there when just the day before it was one of the best?]

Oh I see... I must apologize for my poor english, Michael. When I said it was worse than anything else out there I was referring to the 1K's, not the DAC64 (wrong but not the wrongest).
BerylliumDust said:

I'll be trying the Accuphase DP75, which is from the same vein as the DP91.

They are quite different although to me the sound differences are subtle. (I think Ian is right on this one)

Doesn't DP75 use six delta sigma converters in parallel to reduce conversion errors? The DP91 used 16 multibit converters per channel!!!!
merlin said:
They are quite different although to me the sound differences are subtle. (I think Ian is right on this one)

Doesn't DP75 use six delta sigma converters in parallel to reduce conversion errors? The DP91 used 16 multibit converters per channel!!!!


I'm talking about DP-75 not the more recent DP-75V...
[[ The day before you heard Tube Dude's ]]

Somebody is calling me!!!;)

[[ I'd like to hear this amazing modded CD202 one day but I can't believe it will be that different]]

Hi Michael, if you want to stay happy with your DAC (or CD)...please don't hear the "Crappy Tube Dude CD"...

Otherwise ,you can't tell ,that I haven't warned you...:)
wadia-miester said:
Me thinks your a candidate for an sacd 1 and the vacum tube mod my boy, those yammys won't know what hit em'.


My problem is I can't go back to the Craffts even with the wrong glowing blue. I miss the fast and alive sense I get with the Beryllium dust too much... forget ecstasy... all you need is just a sniff of that magic Beryllium dust and your mind will burst... into the music you'll go... cause your ears shall not be rust... oh mighty Beryllium dust.
Tube_Dude said:
Somebody is calling me!!!;)

I see, Vasco called in for backup :D . I'm back in Lisbon this weekend, I must make a trip up to Aveiro soon with my little silver box of blue LEDs . btw, I never said anything about a "crappy Tube Dude CD" - I'm sure it sounds excellent...but better than a DAC64? Hmmm... :rds2:


PS: Bolas, parece que o Cda está a mudar-se para cá! :eek: :)
BerylliumDust said:

My two choices are:

1) Sim Moon Eclipse. I've always liked Sim Moon sound, although I have no experience with the Eclipse, and probably it's a little beyond my financial reach. But a true multibit machine nonetheless;

2) CEC TL51x (new entry level transport)/DX71 combo. No experience with this combo either but it matches my price constraints. One problem though, I'm very reluctant about delta-sigma/bitstream converters.

All I know is that for a bitstream decoder to be able to match the
amplitude time-related resolution (and that's what music is all about) of say
a good multibit red-book CD system, you would need a fs equal to 2^16 * 44.1kHz = 2.89GHz. No way you can have it with modern technology. All delta-sigma implementations that I know of sound lifeless to me compared with their multibit counterparts. They are by nature slew-rate limited, and although they do not have an absolute amplitude limit, the permissible signal amplitude falls at 6dB per octave. In order to have equal resolution you'll need to double the sample rate for every extra bit in the multibit code. Sure they measure better, have greater low-level resolution and detail but not the same dynamic contrasts or... MUSIC, if you will.

How do they compare?

Eclipse IMO is good indeed - if you like its sound.
i didn't.
Meridian is for me.
Sim kind of guys might no like old 588/508 models
but G-08 might surprise you.

Having owned them, (the yammys) I' certainly wouldn't own them again, for deciding on differenices in equipment and monitoring they are ok, but for music reproduction.
You also need to stop sniffing the stuff it seems to cause you to speak in rythming slang.
Mike, you should know by now the 64 being only an entry level digital replay device, most things are better. even tube cdp's
michaelab said:
btw, I never said anything about a "crappy Tube Dude CD"

PS: Bolas, parece que o Cda está a mudar-se para cá! :eek: :)

Hi Michael

You don't said....I said!

I'm ...I said! (Neil Diamond) :MILD:

PS: Pudera...o tempo no CDA esta de chuva.... :D
wadia-miester said:

Having owned them, (the yammys) I' certainly wouldn't own them again, for deciding on differenices in equipment and monitoring they are ok, but for music reproduction.
You also need to stop sniffing the stuff it seems to cause you to speak in rythming slang.
Mike, you should know by now the 64 being only an entry level digital replay device, most things are better. even tube cdp's

Yes... yes. As always you are right... the 1K's and beryllium dust only sound right with good stuff!!!
BerylliumDust said:
Tube Dude,

The man from Candeias Engineering, Carlos Candeias, who is behind CEC realizations is the same Carlos Candeias that visited your house?

No...i think is not the same!

After another dose of the magical Beryllium dust all I can say is that Accuphase DP75 (the non "V" version) must be the best value in hi fidelity digital domain today, period.

If you can find one used don't hesitate, a true wonderful machine. And for those of you who are wondering... the answer is NO, there is NO harshness at all.

Liquid, smooth, big, I mean BIG, ultra fast and accurate sound... the MUSIC breathes like never before. This is definitely a keeper.

The truth was once more revelead before my ears... go on, take some Beryllium dust and have no fear!
Interesting BD,

how would you say the Accuphase differs from the Chord in it's presentation?

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