New digital front end

merlin said:
Interesting BD,

how would you say the Accuphase differs from the Chord in it's presentation?


I was hoping that Wm could help us in the definition of his concept of fast... As for my definition of ultra fast sound let me tell you that I've never heard a snare drum sounding so real.

As for the glowing blue there's no possible comparision...

What system are you using the Accuphase in? Are you using the cdp direct into a power amp with its built-in volume control? Congrats on the purchase, its a great player!

michaelab said:
Here you go Vasco:'ll even be doing a fellow DAC64 refugee a favour ;)


It's a delta-sigma machine... sorry, no good. Besides it has a glowing blue with it...

[What system are you using the Accuphase in? Are you using the cdp direct into a power amp with its built-in volume control? Congrats on the purchase, its a great player! ]


Using the cdp direct into a power amp may be an option I'll consider in the near future. Presently I'm using MF A1000 50 W class A.
BerylliumDust said:
Using the cdp direct into a power amp may be an option I'll consider in the near future. Presently I'm using MF A1000 50 W class A.
Have you tried Accuphase amplification? Worth getting a listen to IMO, though not to everyones' taste.
[Have you tried Accuphase amplification? Worth getting a listen to IMO, though not to everyones' taste.]

Yes Joel. I've tried the Accuphase entry-level E-212 integrated. Smooth, dynamic with spot-on timing, but without the slam, transparency and liquidity of one of Tim de Paravacini's master pieces, the A1000.

The magic number is 1000...
Occult numbers

BerylliumDust said:
Yes Joel. I've tried the Accuphase entry-level E-212 integrated. Smooth, dynamic with spot-on timing, but without the slam, transparency and liquidity of one of Tim de Paravacini's master pieces, the A1000.
You'd probably like the Accuphase M1000 monoblocks I listened to over the weekend, then :)

oops M1000, not P1000 :shame:
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Markus Sauer said:
You really should start a new thread "We have established I'm an Accuphase whore ...", Joel.
:D The problem with this is that I chose my <gasp>Teac</gasp> CDP in preference to an Accu DP55...
And anyway, I thought I was the local Harbeth tart.
Have you made up your mind yet about which of several unspeakable things you want to do to your tt? We really need to get going on this so you can change your member status to Harbeth Tart/Accuphase Whore/Rega Pimp ...
Markus Sauer said:
We really need to get going on this so you can change your member status to Harbeth Tart/Accuphase Whore/Rega Pimp ...
My pimping Rega is still recovering from the shock of having a Michell Techno Weight inserted up it's armtube the other week.
Do I really need one of those fancy electronic doodahs, is it really going to make a difference, would it matter even if it didn't...
[You'd probably like the Accuphase M1000 monoblocks I listened to over the weekend, then ]


Everything with accurate phase must sound right despite the brand name...

I'll try to put some Beryllium dust on an Accuphase E-407...
BerylliumDust said:
[You'd probably like the Accuphase M1000 monoblocks I listened to over the weekend, then ]
Everything with accurate phase must sound right despite the brand name...

I'll try to put some Beryllium dust on an Accuphase E-407...
Sounds like a plan. I like Accuphase. Where I am Accuphase is reasonably priced and very, very plentiful secondhand.
BTW, is there any easy way of spotting (other than listening) the true Beryillium NS1000s from the later, imposter Kevlar variants?
[Sounds like a plan. I like Accuphase. Where I am Accuphase is reasonably priced and very, very plentiful secondhand.]

I am just curious to see what Accuphase's more capable amplification could do... under the Beryllium dust vodoo.

[BTW, is there any easy way of spotting (other than listening) the true Beryillium NS1000s from the later, imposter Kevlar variants? ]

Have you ever seen any? I never saw one.

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