Mighty Rearranger
I personaly wouldn't describe the accuphase as fast, tis a good cdp though and with that modular design, is joy to work on
merlin said:Interesting BD,
how would you say the Accuphase differs from the Chord in it's presentation?
michaelab said:Here you go Vasco:
....you'll even be doing a fellow DAC64 refugee a favour
Have you tried Accuphase amplification? Worth getting a listen to IMO, though not to everyones' taste.BerylliumDust said:Using the cdp direct into a power amp may be an option I'll consider in the near future. Presently I'm using MF A1000 50 W class A.
You'd probably like the Accuphase M1000 monoblocks I listened to over the weekend, thenBerylliumDust said:Yes Joel. I've tried the Accuphase entry-level E-212 integrated. Smooth, dynamic with spot-on timing, but without the slam, transparency and liquidity of one of Tim de Paravacini's master pieces, the A1000.
Markus Sauer said:You really should start a new thread "We have established I'm an Accuphase whore ...", Joel.
My pimping Rega is still recovering from the shock of having a Michell Techno Weight inserted up it's armtube the other week.Markus Sauer said:We really need to get going on this so you can change your member status to Harbeth Tart/Accuphase Whore/Rega Pimp ...
joel said:My pimping Rega is still recovering from the shock of having a Michell Techno Weight inserted up it's armtube the other week.
Sounds like a plan. I like Accuphase. Where I am Accuphase is reasonably priced and very, very plentiful secondhand.BerylliumDust said:[You'd probably like the Accuphase M1000 monoblocks I listened to over the weekend, then ]
Everything with accurate phase must sound right despite the brand name...
I'll try to put some Beryllium dust on an Accuphase E-407...
wadia-miester said:Pretty sure its a sony, the Accuphase I tweeked, had a moddied sony mech in it.