New product preview

Nice Rob, very nice :)

Good story behind the name too - if an interesting choice for the valve - filled product. You might be explaining that one repeatedly!
Hi Martin,

Yes I think the decision to use tubes will spark a few comments :)

Two reasons really:

- Vinyl analogue is my audio playground. It can never aspire to true transparency so I'm happy to select what I consider to be a good sonic signature and run with it. Artistic licence to play hard if you like. It's an area where you can be expressive and many of the inevitable aberrations are euphonic.
I'll positively encourage a degree of tube rolling and even suggest some workable alternatives.

- Tube stages allow plenty of gain and bags of headroom, unlike op amp based stages running on 15v rails.

I'll ping you some circuit stuff later as i know that interests you.
Yes it would - thanks Rob - following what you already shared.
Superb job on the basic industrial design too. Like that.

As to the valve amp - I simply meant the unintentional conjunction of using valves and HT baking...

[Meanwhile over the christmas break I've finally detailed that long-mulled 10w ClassA amp idea discussed as a schematic - might draw the PCB this w/end if the snow remains. Swapsies! :) ]
Yes it would - thanks Rob - following what you already shared.
Superb job on the basic industrial design too. Like that.

As to the valve amp - I simply meant the unintentional conjunction of using valves and HT baking...

Ah, whoosh...... went right over my head :D
Henry Thomas Baker - my late Grandfather.

The man responsible for nurturing and supporting my interest in all things audio and hi-fi for as far back as I can remember. From the plastic battery record players at age 5, the little Fergusson cassette recorder at about 7 and on to the serious stuff through my teens.

Very nice thought Rob.
Nice looking amps Rob, but sort the typeface out. You can't have a serif and standard font on the front, one on the panel and another on the VU's, that's a big no no.
i think it looks unique, more so then the crap we see at shows costing 10x the price for a tin can.
Nice looking amps Rob, but sort the typeface out. You can't have a serif and standard font on the front, one on the panel and another on the VU's, that's a big no no.

I'd guess you don't get to choose the font on the meters?


I think the back panel text can be milled into the panel with the final item, if Rob likes. Since the panel is black anodized, the text would come out silver.

I'm not sure about the serif font. Partly I think it looks nice, at least for the model number at the top. To be completely honest though I do think the logo would be better with a more 'professional' looking font like Arial. Still opinions are like.. what is it? :)
Thanks for the feedback.
I can't recall the names of all fonts since i just looked in the font bucket and thought 'thats nice' and it fits.

But yes it needs to be uniform when we are good to go.

Back panel is just a sticker on the prototype, it wont be on the real thing.
I'd guess you don't get to choose the font on the meters?



That's right, though you can replace the graphic and substitute a printed replacement.
I think the meters are fine as supplied. They are of course essentially decorative on a power amp like this, though they are set to indicate 0VU at rated output into 8R.

I also experimented with coloured lenses but it detracts from the retro look.
there are quite a few being custom built around the world because the bigger brands like pioneer are concentrating on other stuff other than sound and build....

maybe you could make one like this beaut from japan.
