I know what I hear, that's all I'll say.
Originally posted by Saab
my system sounds awful cold,not even close to what it souds like warmed up,you could be deaf and still tell when its warmed up
Originally posted by Saab
my system sounds awful cold,not even close to what it souds like warmed up,you could be deaf and still tell when its warmed up
It's funny - the film, and particularly *that* song would probably never have been allowed these days. The tabloids would have branded the whole thing a paedophile filmOriginally posted by tones
"Gigi" actually, where the inimitable Maurice Chevalier sang it about leetle girls.
Originally posted by michaelab
I'm not getting in volved in the cable discussion btw but it looks like it's going better than previous ones have :MILD:
Originally posted by michaelab
I'm not getting in volved in the cable discussion btw but it looks like it's going better than previous ones have :MILD:
What is most interesting in this thread is the lack of interest in what happens to*us* while we're listening, whether we need time to *warm up* (become acclimatised), and whether our perception changes over time.
Originally posted by michaelab
It's funny - the film, and particularly *that* song would probably never have been allowed these days. The tabloids would have branded the whole thing a paedophile film
Originally posted by merlin
I believe Keith Howard did an experiment in which he was unable to measure ANY differences at all between the two states in either the frequency or time domain. Does this not mean, according to current thinking, that it is all imaginary?
Originally posted by PeteH
Well I'd have thought so.
In a sense, yes. Music exists entirely in our mind. Music does not become music until it reaches our brains (and as far as science is able to tell only our brains). The first and ultimate converter is the hippocampus or wherever it is they've localised "music" to this week. THe mechanics of the ear, and the wahy and hows of our evolution also need to be taken into account. We aevolved as hunter gatherers, whose hearing served the primary purpose of warning us of imminant danger and of informing us of potential prey. THis has lead to certain evolutionary quirks...Originally posted by merlin
A very good point Joel. I believe Keith Howard did an experiment in which he was unable to measure ANY differences at all between the two states in either the frequency or time domain. Does this not mean, according to current thinking, that it is all imaginary?