Back from Grahams, which was sort of helpful. They knew my kit, but the sound quality and performance of the Carver was a grey area, which I figured it would be. They did suggest that CD player performance has improved from the days of the Arcam Alpha 7 and suggested a better machine, and using the NVA, which was around £500 when new. They said, too, that the speaker thump when you turn it on is nowt to worry about. Still don't like it, though. And that the DNM cables would have flattered the amp's performance. Also that it had no protection.
So brownie points for everyone who contributed to my original appeal, as you were spot on.
I'm thinking of throwing an integrated amp at it and a new CD player and using my old Arcam in my 'acquired' system with the NVA, as the Denon there skips tracks and things. Two final questions, though:
Any views on the Roksan Kandy integrated amp and CD player?
Will using a CD cleaner help with a player that skips tracks, etc?