oops,2 upgrades at once,which has worked?

Yes, I can see what you mean about the visual side.

Did you find any improvement with the sound over other racks, or was it more of an aesthetic thing?

I think the Lack had some proponents, and it's certainly very cheap. The QS is an expensive joke as far as I'm concerned.
Haven't yet been convinced that racks make a great deal of difference, as long as its pretty stable. You may yet convince me James, but my wife had the last say(from choices i gave her within a budget, that met my criteria, I actually think the Schroers Focus 72 with 20mm lit glass looked the most sturdy, but she preffered, the Alphastatic.
Thanks for the tip about the QS,unfortunately its a good looking rack but Pauls links offer alternatives for the wife

the Lack is great simply because its simple,the legs screw in tight and its er,only £14:)
:rolleyes: DOH!,

As you suggest, it would have been a smart thing to try each upgrade seperately, to make sure you liked what each component did for your system, that said if you are really chuffed with the new DCT/cleanline combo, it's gotta be a good thing.

It is a real shame we can't treat your speaker cable, having done it already! That may have given you a further opening out of the sound and added clarity.

Meantime, relax and enjoy the music mate, sounds like a rest is in order after the house move.

Best Regards,
:rolleyes: :(

Needless to say,unbelievably,The Ikea coffee table sounded different to the Triskom Tower I had,the bass was fuller,then fuller again with the Cleanline and the DCTed Kimber.

But I can't believe the extra detail is all down to Swedish design quality and better electricity,it has to be down to the Kimber treatment.

I have tried to isolate the upgrades,and I resorted to HiFI Worlds infamous test disc, Cat Stevens Lady Darbanville.Apparently,Mr Cat taps the side of the guitar at the start of this track,and the mag use this track to test for clarity when reviewing equipment.I have never been able to hear this,although I can hear a hollowness to the recording at this point in the track.But I can now,i can hear him tap quite clearly.

So i will give the big thumbs up to Neils DCT treatment,its worth the money:)

ps if anyone else has that track then I wouldn't mind a comparison! Its right at the start during the guitar intro,he plucks a few chrods and taps the guitar at the end of the chords,he does it about 3 times I think.
I thought I could tbh,a tiny sneaky one,like he was trying to slip one out while Cat was really concentrating,I could be mistaken though,it might be a snare drum
Put it in the marketing blurb Neil "DCT your cable and hear the musicians let one off"

you will make millions:D
Its on all the Cat Stevens greatest hits matey,if i wasn't such a buffoon i could probably do the cd burn thing,but i am a buffoon:rolleyes:
:) Saab,

You're the nicest man I know who was named after a vehicle...apart from a chap I know called Austin, and Dennis, and Cedric... and Rick Shaw.

Cheers Pal.
no probs,just posted it:)

this might be a big anti-climax:rolleyes: although you can at the very least enjoy the pleasure of Cat Stevens

I forget which mag it was,but they said once they used this disc as a test disc for cdps and speakers in particular.

The intro is only 3 about secs long,he plucks a few chords and taps the guitar (somewhere on the guitar,it sounds like he has a ring on his finger and he is tapping the edge,dunno,maybe my system isnt good enough to tell?) and the taps have a very "hollow" sound to it,i think its the hollowness as well as the taps themselves they were looking for

blimey,i'm sounding like a flatearther babbling on about single speaker dems and "learning to listen":eek: :)

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