Position forgiving / nearfield inexpensive bookshelf speakers

Actually, this wasnt according to plan, but it looks like I have found myself a pair of Ela's, ex-demo locally so I am going to have a listen to those and they said they may part-ex the Missions too, so I am going to see what they are like.

They are undoubtably the best speakers I've ever owned, but they are not good in a big room. Rega seem to voice their speakers in a particular way. They are not bang and bust by any means. They can also be wall mounted successfully and I think Rega still make dedicated brackets
Originally posted by PBirkett
I am in the middle of doing a fair few changes in my room, and the Missions really dont fit it with the plan because they are too reliant on positioning. Basically, one of the speakers will need to be in a corner, and I reckon the sound will not be very good if I do that.

I was considering selling the speakers and amp, but wanted to know if there was a pair of inexpensive speakers that could either be used on a desk, either side of a PC monitor, or on the stands, ones which would be more forgiving of being in a sub-optimal position in the room.

Or if theres any other suggestions, I'll be glad to hear of them.

If I got computer speakers, I was thinking of these Altec Lansing MX5021...


If you want nearfield monitors (next to the PC positioning) then I would look for some nearfield monitors rather then hifi speakers; the reason being that nearfields are designed to be listened to at 3 feet away (and largely not fussy on placement - just look at pictures of real recording studios!) whereas hifi speakers are designed to sound best across a room. Getting a demo is not that easy as most shops do not have listening rooms. Raper and Wayman (where I get my monitors from - ask for Simon) do have a dedicated auditioning room but you have to book in advance and they are open Monday to Friday only).

If you are happy to buy second hand then I have a pair of HHB Circle 3 passive nearfields that I am planning to sell (Based on Harbeth design) that are infinite baffle, very small, unmarked and owned from new, and would meet your criteria and might also be a cost effective purchase for you. Here is the initial press release and a review with pictures.



PM me for more info etc. Dominic
Thanks Dominic, but too late....

I auditioned the Rega Ela with a Rotel RA-02 / RCD-02 today and my conclusions are that they sound a fair bit better than my Missions. Not quite as bassy, but faster and clearer, more detailed, much better mids and treble, more dynamic sounding too, but most importantly they boogey quite well. They seem pretty unfussed about positioning.

I believe they are Ela Mk2. Got a reasonable price for my Missions too, so they havent really cost me very much at all.

glad you've got what you wanted Paul, the bass may seem lacking after your missions but they prolly don't boom as much is all, I'm sure you will sgtart to hear more in the bass than you are used to.

Better quality bass can often sound like less bass on first hearing. Then after a while you start noticing melodies in bass lines that you never knew were there. You notice that the bass seems to go deeper and is tighter with greater impact and less flab.
OMG!!!! :D :D :D

These speakers are unbelievably good compared to my Mission M51's. Basically it grooves like a bugger, the bass is far better defined than the Missions and probably less annoying to everyone else in the house. The midrange and treble are unbeliveably liquid and clear, so detailed and crisp, very very sweet sounding. Almost unbelievable sound for such a cheap system - I reckon my system could take on ones 4x its price to be honest - I know that sounds like a tall order, but these speakers have absolutely transformed my listening. I never thought the Missions were bad when I had them, but now that I've heard these, they sound like cheap ghetto blasters in comparison. Thats not a joke!!!! :eek:

You're heading towards the flat-earth Paul:D

Glad you like your Rega's. Ela's are supposed to be the dogs wotsits especially the earlier ones. I'd love to try a pair, but I think at the moment I'm just going to buy music. Got James Brown Live at the Apollo 2 today and a massive box of trojan discs. Am going to annoy the Missus some tonight
A few hours on and I am really chuffed with these speakers. In terms of mid-bass impact they clearly dont match the Missions, nor do they match them in bass depth (I would reckon these go down to about 65-70 Hz?), but apart from that I cant really think of anything these speakers dont do a lot better. Actually the leaner balance makes them more usable for me anyway, so I think I can live without it. :)
What happened to the idea of inexpensive bookshelf speakers :D
Glad u like ur new purchase Paul, but didnt u say u couldnt be bothered with hifi anymore a month back :D ;) The upgrade bug is mighty and should be feared :p

lordsummit said:
Just think if you saved all the money you spend on the car and the hi-fi you could start to save to buy a house. Then you could turn your hi-fi up

That would be boring though. And if I didnt spend it on hifi / car then I'd spend it on drugs and booze probably, lol.
I don't think it is boring. All it take is single minded commitment. Getting my own flat that comes with a sensible living room that could be dedicated for hifi is the best sonic upgrade. For the first few months I could re arrange the furnitures and speakers seeking the ultimate yoga sonic position. It is trully more 'satisfying' then changing hardwares or tone control like interconnects or cables.

The problem is the sonic bliss don't seems to last very long. Very soon certain funny creature move in and insist on rearranging the whole lot again impossing her own set of artistic ideal with no sense of consideration to the sonic consequences. :confused:

I aiming for the long game. In a few months things will be in order again. ;)
I am not having a go but why do so many of my threads end up going on about how I should move out? I dont wish to move out at this time (and TBH, I feel there is hardly a worse time for a first time buyer to buy a property anyway). I dont particularly wish to live by myself, and to be honest, I quite enjoy having cash to spend on cars / hifis / gadgets / drink, I would have to compromise on all that if I was to move out.

When I find a lass who I want to spend any significant time with to share the bills, etc, then I'll consider it. But I aint interested at the moment. I wont respond to any more comments about moving out, ok.
Paul - quite agree. I'm in digs at the moment and got to the end of my tether the other day when my mother suggested I moved out and got my own place No point moving if you're happy with life. mate ;). Needless to say, she and I aren't exactly speaking at the moment, but at least I'm not living with her!
Sorry. Perhaps I am a bit insensitive. However, allow me say the final word and I will let the subject drop. When my wee brother ask a few months back was it the right time to get his own place, the true is there is never a right time for first time buyer as by design always 'poorer'. He behaves like the happiest bloke in town even tho he feels like having very little spare cash all the time and it has been a year since making the move. It takes a lot of Commitment.

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