Muper Soderator
shin, that was a great film funny as hell...
Two people expressing different opinions about the same sound (which is what you're talking about) is not the same thing as one person claiming to be able to distinguish two identical sounds (which is what I was talking about). For example, the sound produced by an orchestra playing in a concert hall is not changed to any remotely meaningful extent by the presence in the hall of a microphone, yet some people claim that it 'destroys the musicality' of the sound. If Richard really wants to have a discussion with some of these 'musical listening' people, he'd be better off looking at PFM - as I indicated earlier.julian2002 said:perhaps they can - i submit that 2 people with different hearing characteristics (i.e. one is sensitive to mid range sound and the other with a dip in the same range - whether due to hearing damage, a perforated ear drum or wax build up) can genuinely express a different opinion of the same system.
Which is pretty much what I was trying to get at above. Sticking cotton wool in your ears reduces overall sound levels and filters out high frequencies - a simple, deterministic difference, applied equally to all sounds you hear, and hence it doesn't make any difference to 'musicality' because 'musicality' depends on much more flexible, fluid and complicated differences in all kinds of parameters, and you can easily 'hear through' the cotton wool to pick up the musical nuances. The differences between different amplifiers or different speakers are slightly more complex than that, but still nowhere remotely near subtle enough (in terms of hundreds of different physical parameters varied in a time-dependent fashion) or context-sensitive enough to have any meaningful influence on 'musicality'.Richard Dunn said:Stick some cotton wool in your ears and do the rounds of some comparitive demonstrations. First you have to get over the fact that everything sounds crap. Soon you will find there are degrees of crap and from what ever base point you come from differences and changes in emotional / energetics responses are still apparent.
darrylfunk said:are you suggesting we measure as many parameters then choose whatever one has the best figures top trumps style !!!!
julian2002 said:pete, the only way i'd agree with you is if the sounds are pure tones anything more complex such as music (not made by richard d james i presume as a lot of his stuff is just pure tones) involves personal interpretation - even if there is some form of placebo in effect such as cables or dacs or whatever the fact that the observer has heard a difference and expressed a preference means that, to him, the difference is real. who are you to tell him what he has or hasn;t heard. perhaps he can hear the hum of a badly maintained microphone or the fact that a badly positioned mic stand is muffling a certain instrument for his seat.
i'm not saying that i'm throwing my lot in with the cable believers and kit dowsers but i'm not going to laugh at them, dismiss them or think their opinion any less valid when expressing a preference for a bit of kit. i may not agree with them but i'll respect their opinion, just as i'll respect the opinion of someone like yourself. at the end of the day i will make my own mind up - and so should everyone else.
titian said:We first have to find out how we exactly work.
And it seems that each of us work slightly differently.
Richard Dunn said:We all function the same we intellectualise / visualise it differently.
Well it might depending how the mind reacts on them and depending on his experiences. I'm not referring specifically to Simon.darrylfunk said:hi richard,
reading a list of specs on a box tells you nothing on the musical performance of the device.
darrylfunk said:reading a list of specs on a box tells you nothing on the musical performance of the device.
darrylfunk said:hi richard,
is that a given,
as i am curious about this as years ago i had an accident that led me to fit and caused problems in my short term memory but had the bonus of making my long term memory much better than previous to the accident.
the fitting eventually stopped thankfully and the nerve damage improved but my short term memory is poor still compared to before.
how this affects me musically , well i am more ecletic in taste and i do find my attention can wander off with floyd type waffle and i now don't enjoy fusion unison passages of the fret **** variety, but it causes more ploblems playing with other musos when writing songs as i cant recall the chords that i had just played when writing a song so now i just score it all down on the computer and record it so i dont forget.
the brain is deffo a very complex device.
p.s. tenson not all valve amps sound the same why don't you just listen to the gear.
reading a list of specs on a box tells you nothing on the musical performance of the device.