Originally posted by Barnie
"So do I move eastwards again, or maybe to some place else entirely for a while? "
Well here in Carms wages are low but so is the cost of living so it kinda balances out. In my case I try to earn a high income but live in an area that's low cost, makes sense to me!
What do you do for work?
Hi Barnie - I work in IT (as do quite a lot of people on this forum it seems

), computer programming and software development is what I've mainly been doing for the past few years. Although to be honest it's something I do more for the money than for the love or enjoyment of it these days. In the area where I'm living at the amoment, the cost of living isn't actually that bad once you've got yourself sorted out with housing. I'm one of the lucky ones (or unlucky ones depending on your perspective), I actually own my own house with no mortgage. All I need to do is find the money for the monthly utility bills which would be easily done on an average wage for this area, but unfortunately at the moment I have quite a large loan to pay off. Had I still been in my previous job I would have easily have cleared this debt by the middle of this year and by then I would have been quite happy to settle for a lower paid job. So it's more a case of bad timing and lifestyle changes which I'm not ready for at the present time.
I think Themadhippy has some valid points though (and certainly lives up to his name by saying what he says

), at least from my own perspective, being someone who at present is not tied down or settled with family commitments, etc. The only person I really have to worry about is myself, so I can see that material possessions, and especially property ownership can be a hinderance as much as a benefit. I've got a few yearnings (which have yet to be satifisfied) to travel and work in other countries for a bit. So in some ways, selling up (putting the sale proceeds in the bank to gather some interest) and renting whilst I travel around seems a lot less restrictive.
Originally posted by domfjbrown
Henry - if I could find a job that I actually liked, I'd not have to surf and whinge. I don't know what job that'd be yet, but it aint this one.
A job which doesn't involve computers?
Originally posted by domfjbrown
Time off is irrelevant anyway now I'm nearer people I need to visit etc...

So when you were living in the south-east you'd take time off to travel down here, and now you're down here you spend as much time going back up there?
Originally posted by domfjbrown
That health thing is crazy though - I dunno if they'd be realistically allowed to do that... Is that your old job, or another one you've been in?
I know a place which has implemented such a procedure. It's a place I've been for an interview at. Although it doesn't bother me in the slightest, as I've never ever pulled a (false) sicky in my life.
Originally posted by batfink
So on that basis we should all find the largest country with the lowest population and live there where it'll be cheap (Siberia anyone?)
Yep, large land mass against low population density in proportion to that land mass, oh but has to have good weather - not freezing ya nuts of weather like what we've got at the moment...