I didn't realise by baggage you meant girlfriend!
The development i was talking about in Burnham, you would be able to get a 1 bedroom flat for between £500 and 650pcm. There is always usually a few from there on the market, as it is quite a big estate, IIRC 100% apartments, in modest szed blocks like the one i am in. Best bet is to get one of the top floor ones for better security snd free loft space. Only ever looked at one down there, but they are of a modern design, and the estate looks tidy enough as is the surrounding area. Good parking as well. If you ever neede the train it is a two minute walk round the corner, and on a sunny day you could easily walk to work from there (It is set back from the A4 main road, not far from the roundabout which joins the M4J7). Walking distance to shops and supermarket as well.
That would suit me just for ease of getting to work.
If you are not so much bothered about that, then there are lots of new style apartments scattered all over Slough, with easy enough transport links (one of the things Slough is good for!). Upton Park is very nice, but looking more like £650-£750pm so probably too much. There is quite a large plot of apartments behind the police station, set in their own grounds, but not sure on prices.
Maplin Park in Langley you will probably know. Nera the railway line, but basically in the middle of nowhere, though i think the bus wanders up there. You would probably want a car though. Prices are reasonable however and the estate is ok. Carpchasser lives there.
There is the estate on London Rd (nr the Tesco and Texaco garages) - can't remember name. V.nice but again - probably £650+. But advantage of having bus stop right outside which would drop you off outside work.
There are loads of flats all over the place in converted victorian terraces etc, which would be cheaper, but they may not be as much to your liking.
I'd say anywhere further out than say Maidenhead or West Drayton the other way would not work out so well, as the travelling costs would work out a lot more (travel from Bracknell to London for a year on the train is about £2000 :cry: ). Check out all the prices though and factor it into your budget. Slough station should carry all the timetables and prices.
There is an estate in Slough called the Millenium or something. Coming out of Slough, past Kwik Fit ( :JOEL: ) on the left, at the big crossroads turn right, then couple hundred yards, over bridge, and on your left. Nearly bought one there a couple of years ago, but chickened out. Probably worth double now

. I know that a 2 bed is usually £750-£900. so for a single you are probably looking £600-£700 if you are lucky. Excellent location though, and newly built. Good parking etc. (I mean TBH, most of these new apartment blocks are all the same). £600 is tight for a new 1 bed pad, but very do-able, so need to barter. For some of the older ones i'm pretty sure you could get something reasonable for £550 ish (e.g. Burnham). Its even possible to get a one bedroom house for £600 in places, if you fancied a garden.
If you were prepared to get a bedsit/v.small older 1 bed flat, it is possible to get as low as £450. Depends what you want. Windsor might be ok. Its not all expensive, though most is. There are lots of flats scattered on the edges of Windsor, for reasonable money - transport is a bit trickier though, getting to Bath Rd.
Oh, depends if you want furnished or not as well.
Just done a search on Rightmove for example and there are over 100 properties listed, sub £600 in Slough (pefect market for bargaining that £50pm off)
This is the type of property you get on the Burnham Gate development:
But use Rightmove to get a feel for prices etc. It is remarkably well updated with nely listed properties, and is a good general guide:
They tend not to provide much ionfo on rented property though, so need to seek out the agents.
If its any help, i don't mind driving about if you want help with looking or something, if you are without transport. Just give us a shout.