I meant here in 2005, by which time the chips and so forth had developed somewhat. Thats no comment on the amplification, which is pretty static. My idea is to have long term quality "retirement" amps for music which I'd also use with more of the same kind but second hand amps for AV, with an up to date processor slotted in, particularly one which allows card changes and software updates, or just quite regularly change the processor if need be.
OK, I see what you mean now! I went Roksan because: 1). 6 channel "thru-put" allows DVD-A/SACD/DTS/DD decoding from within DVD player or whatever comes next... (only room for 5 'speakers);
2). I wanted to reduce the box count: I have previously run a mono amp on each 'speaker, with a high-spec. processor... the lady didn't like that...;
3).On audition, I found it sounded pretty good, in a somewhere-between-Naim-and-Exposure kind of way (I use Exp. 4 and 18 stereo, bi-amped);
Just my viewpoint, of course...
Oh, and RSAND, I think you'll find Roksan have been independent of Mission/Cyrus for 5-6 years now... Tufan and Touraj are running the show. Like the look of your system, BTW: would be a great listen, I have no doubt...