[Review] Music First Statement TVC


Also they seem to have copied the aesthetics of the Wavac PR-T1. I have one here.

I wondered how they were delivering power for the remote control function, being a passive line stage. Internal battery?

End of the day all credit to them hope they do well. Bit off copying the Wavac design though :)

Ah but will it ring like a bell as Murray's example did?
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Paul kindly came down to me today and brought along the Music first reference pre for a listen as he was very interested in hearing it in my current setup.
After hearing some tracks in my setup for a guildline, we duly changed my Gryphon sonata allegro to the MF ref. I was very keen in this A/B comparision shoot out.....
First impression of the MF pre in my system made me took more notice of it because it was very transparant and dynamic. Further listening assured me that it was slightly more open on vocals and image, the mids were silky smooth with emotion and the only way i can discribe it is very much like valve sounding. In my opinion and setup, it lacked the bottom end grunt compared to the Gryphon but gained on the mids. I guess you can't win them all and no pre is perfect.
Build quality is very good and with balance in and out put is a bonus. I truly think that it will shine with most decent gear you pair it with but to get the best from it, you'll need a great front end.
£8k....is it worth it?????? I think so.....will I change to one???...maybe..... I think the problem here regarding the price issue is that with their previous two pre's being relatively cheap and with a big jump to the reference, some will argue the sound for pound....
Attached 2 photos taken whilst paul was here and Big Thanks Paul for taken time seeing me......:)
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Interesting, glad you enjoyed it.

You seem to highlight the same kind of differences between your active and the passive as I've noticed between my Prometheus TVC and old Cyrus AC7.5 pre, albeit on a different level and price bracket.

Have you tried the older MF TVCs? How does this one compare?

I guess if I had a Gryphon Sonata then 8 grand might not seem so bad, lol.

According to Paul, they were playing music via their silver version on the night of the completion of the ref and once finished and pugged in, they were overwhelmed and very happy with the sound quality.

I've not had any of their previous models nor any other passive pre's in my system so cannot comment. £8k is alot of money for any pre Scott but if you're in the market for this kind of performance, compared to others which cost more then the MF ref is a bargin in my mind....

The Gryphon Sonata Allegro is regarded to many as one of the best pre out there and to date, I've not heard a better one until now with the MF ref.....Its a very natural piece of kit very much like my Gryphon...plug it in and forget it as if it's not there.

If only the low end grunt is as good as the Gryphon then to me, its heaven and bear in mind that I'm running a Velodyne DD15 in my system.
Conclusion from me is..... listen to one for yourself and make your own judgement before all the talk.
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Just a note, Music First are having an open afternoon this Saturday 6th October from 12PM so if you want to come over your more then welcome.

The Address is:
20/ 23 Innovation Centre
Highfields Drive
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN38 9UH
He has got the figures wrong at the current rate of exchange:

7895 GBP equals 15,769.59 USD

Holy TVC Batman. Thanks for the correction on the price. Now its harder to justify.

Annubisgru; Hold on to yourt hat. One is on the way. Cannot mention the players except to say your gonna be surprised. A true state of the art TVC is forthcoming. New trannie core technology, more affective than "C" core.


PS: Its not Promitheus
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If anybody is interested in auditioning the Statement. MF are running dems every Saturday in October from 12pm at:

20/ 23 Innovation Centre
Highfields Drive
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN38 9UH

Just drive up to the gate and ring the phone number on the notice to gain admittance.

Just for information the reference Music First pre is built completely in house. This Month every Saturday there is the opportunity for anyone to come and have a listen to the Reference pre amp.

Noteworthy Audio have posted some comments on their pre amp section about the reference Pre.

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If only the low end grunt is as good as the Gryphon

That was my feeling when hearing this at the show - no real foundation yet highly detailed up top. A somewhat open, tilted up balance.

Might work quite well in some systems.
No Graham,

I certainly would not tar you with that affliction sir.
I meant your own 'Arrow cables'

Tony, I'll make this as clear as I can. There is NOTHING of mine in any Music First product. :confused:

I decided to give the event a plug, because 'Addict' (Paul) is a mate, and I spent a few convivial hours there last Saturday. It's civilised, free, educational, and you can bring your own music. :cool:

ps. BTW it's 'Silver Arrow Cables'.

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Mike I'm more then willing to bring it round for you to have a proper listen.

Very kind Addict and we may well sort something one day - maybe with Richard. I've just ordered a replacement for my TEAD Vibe Pulse 2, and given that my whole amplification chain makes a big thing of avoiding transformers in the audio path, I'm probably not the ideal candidate for a TVC.

Everytime I've heard one, I really haven't "got" it - with the exception of a chance pairing at Dev's a year or so back. I tend to look for a system that builds from the bass up. All the TVC's I've listened to now seem to lean the other way. I guess I am biased! They just don't seem to suit my tastes.
Very kind Addict and we may well sort something one day - maybe with Richard. I've just ordered a replacement for my TEAD Vibe Pulse 2, and given that my whole amplification chain makes a big thing of avoiding transformers in the audio path, I'm probably not the ideal candidate for a TVC.

Everytime I've heard one, I really haven't "got" it - with the exception of a chance pairing at Dev's a year or so back. I tend to look for a system that builds from the bass up. All the TVC's I've listened to now seem to lean the other way. I guess I am biased! They just don't seem to suit my tastes.

Having experience with TVCs I agree 100%. They lack the weight and authority of good active linestage. The original Bent unit offering a softer sound while others a neutral and thin sound.
Would like to hear what the S&B Ref. can do. Pricey, yes, but what the heck its worth a listen.
