[Review] Music First Statement TVC

One of the connoisseur ones you mean? Very posh...

I hear the lyra phono is very good
Yes. Very good and very very expensive.

My sights are set lower I'm afraid - vinyl is my second source these days. How are you finding the TEAD?
Just took the Reference Muisc First pre round to Jim at Audio lincs. He has written some very nice things about it on his site.


I was interested to read about this, as I am using the bog-standard MF preamp, bought from Audio lincs. Then I saw the price! It's not only out of my range, it's so far out of my range that I needn't give it another thought.
Its ok as a stop gap, I am using with a passive vol pot currently - I may get something custom built with a buffered volume control so that I can keep avoiding a pre but without the down side of passive. I may switch to the PS audio or fein units if they work better than the current combo.
Currently I have been toying with the lyra pre-amp(current model) it is indeed most acceptable, makes the the second system sound most enjoyable. (I prefer it over the M77 call me a philistine! I don't care)
I have heard the new Music First statement pre at close quarters it makes some eloquent smooth and refined music. A different take on high on pre-amps.
I guess the Manley is balanced with a vol pot built in so I should probably consider that as well...