[Review] my favourite online review ever.

When we address his points directly he insults our inteligence, he only seems to understand this kind of tactfull posts... :rolleyes:

No, you insult your own intelligence by believing in Voodoo. If it's not magic and witchcraft, make me look silly by proving me wrong. If you can't, and end up resorting to puerile jibes and infantile insults, I can assure you it's not me who feels or looks stupid ;) (obligatory smilie for Antonio- apologies to the more mature of you)
No, you insult your own intelligence by believing in Voodoo. If it's not magic and witchcraft, make me look silly by proving me wrong. If you can't, and end up resorting to puerile jibes and infantile insults, I can assure you it's not me who feels or looks stupid ;) (obligatory smilie for Antonio- apologies to the more mature of you)

What is Voodoo... :confused:

You dont need help to look silly, or stupid... ;)

everything I post can be proven by experiments carried out over a century or more

Most of what you post can be proven to be utter bollox. Sadly this makes you angry and you then look really silly. Why not just post on subjects you understand?

everything I post can be proven by experiments carried out over a century or more

Most of what you post can be proven to be utter bollox. Sadly this makes you angry and you then look really silly. Why not just post on subjects you understand?

Examples, please, see I am polite... :rolleyes:

PS- This time the smile means sarcasm... ;)
Examples, please, see I am polite... :rolleyes:

Oh I'm not going to go through your posts again looking for examples - they were tedious enough the first time. rest assured I will point out the next time you post some unfounded allegation. It shouldn't take long;)
Not excuses just a lack of time. Your question about horns in studios was remarkably funny though....
Hi all, interesting to find this thread.

I've just happily murdered some frogs, for fun you understand, but after playing a little with their blood I find the skin left over makes fantastic phono interconnect insulation and I plan to market this under the 're:Volta cable' brand.

Question is, do you think I should charge £6k or £9k a metre (takes approx. 4 frogs). Please advise.

Yours, etc.
Care to explain exactly why that question is a disgace?

Its obvious - Its very rude, completely unecessary and will only serves to antagonise the readership. Like you I reserve the right to make a comment, if I think its needed, on posts on this forum.

No it wasn't. I see no evidence of the poster in question undertanding the relationship of the octave to the output of drive units and the fundemental notes of musical instruments. I see someone who sees a Kinoshita monitor and claims it has a horn "tweeter" I have to be careful how I describe that comment, but informed would not be the adjective that springs to mind. What has been posted to make me believe said individual has an understanding of octaves and frequency?

You just seem to see the words "Stereo Mic" and assume "rude".
You just seem to see the words "Stereo Mic" and assume "rude".

I can't help it - I build up a picture of peoples credibility based on what they have posted.

Whether or not you agree. I would like to talk to others on this forum about cables, system supports and general hifi tweekery without seeing rude interuptions. Why is that difficult?

if I post the truth and you get offended, that can hardly be my fault can it? I would like to read a forum and talk with my mates without seeing loads of half baked baloney and wierd shit. Are you saying you are entitled to what you want more than me?

Your use of the term "credibility" seems somewhat erronious, given that my posts (in the generally accepted sense) are possibly rare in that they have some credibility that stands up to scrutiny. Feel free to scrutinise and put to the test. Sadly when I do the same, you call me rude and offensive.
Mike Unlike you I havent many Hifi mates. My only opportunity to gain knowledge and improve my system (without resorting to a dealer with a vested interest)may be in a forum like this.

I cant help what I think and Im not clever enough to srutinise properly - Am I in the wrong place?
