that's where you are wrong, you are arrogant. you believe that your experience with gear is universal for everyone else and that simply because the correlation between characteristics other than LCR for cables is too complicated to prove that it should be ignored.
if you can't hear differences in the setup you tested, then you assume that there are none to hear.
and that's incorrect, it only proves that 'your ears' couldn't hear a difference with those cables and that gear.
that's three variables, even listening to the same gear and cables, another listener has different ears so your experience can never be anything more than personal, it doesn't mean anything in the wider scheme of things, it is only relevant to your ears.
you can only conclude that 'you' can't hear differences in cables, the logic goes no further than that.
consider this: in an art gallery there are two identical rooms, with identical lighting. in each of them is a painting, one of Van Gochs as it happens. in room one it's £26 millions pounds worth of sunflowers, in room 2 is a fake, a great fake, the best fake ever made.
now, maybe you or me, joe average, aren't going to be able to tell that they are different, they look the same, the frames are the same, the colours are the same.
but standing next to us is the redoubtable Brian Sewell, art critic extroadanaire, who immediately dismisses number 2 as a fake, and he can do this because he's looking at details in the painting, stroke angle, edge depth that we can't even consider.
I suspose you would tell him that the paintings are identical, and if he thinks otherwise he is wrong, because you can't perceive any difference between them.
infact based on experience i'd expect you'd go as far as to tell him that he obviously knows nothing about art and is a complete idiot into the bargain. and you would do that because you are arrogant, and are unable to take on other peoples view points and experiences when they differ from your own.
At which point, Brian, who doesn't suffer fools gladly might 'pop' you on the nose for being so rude.
I, and i would suggest quite a lot of posters on the forum, would likely tell him, that we can't tell them apart and that they appear to be identical. Which would no doubt end up with Brian taking his time to try and show us the differences and engagae us in discussion over the differences over a lovely cup of tea and some nice scones. (while you, sat on your own, would be bleeding from your nose into a tissue on the other side of the Tate gallery cafe.)
but at least you'd have the satisfaction of 'knowing' you were right..
i'd rather take my cues from Professor Malcolm Hawksford..