Not got as much time as I'd like to dedicate to this right now but I did look a little further into it.
For now I've come up with a bandaid just to make the system listenable, actually its much better but I'm still aware of a problem in the bass. What I've done is put a high Q and deep notch filter in at 70hz along with digital room correction. Oddly despite the deep notch showing as a severe drop in the frequency response its not that noticeable because its filled in by the resonance. Hardly fidelity though since your listening to controlled boom at 70hz.
Before treatment
After and with notch at 70hz + DRC
I'm now 99% sure its the cabinet at the front of the room and loudspeaker positioning in relation to it. I dropped the cabinet face down onto the floor then ran a tone generator with sine through the right speaker as before and the weird phasey boom around 70hz disappeared.
That's a bitch because the cabinet absolutely has to stay put. I'm now looking at ways to lessen the problem and here's what I've come up with:
- Perhaps as Simon pointed out, the problem will be smoothed once the left channel is playing thus placing another low frequency source within the room. Usually such a move would smooth bass problems. But I'm not at all confident this will be true since the left channel is in a mirror image situation with the right so it makes sense that the same problems as already noted will be present.
- Its been suggested to tune the existing panel traps lower by subbing the 4mm ply with 6mm or 8mm. I'd rather not go this route unless absolutely necessary since it will mean destroying a lot of hard work. Consider this a final option.
- I was wondering about membrane traps located in the alcoves where the loudspeaker sit? Each alcove could accommodate 1x 60cm x 170cm panel and 2x 40cm x 170cm panels. All with a max total depth of 4". Can these be tuned low enough to affect 50-100hz with the concentration around 70hz?
- What about multiple small subs? I could very easily and quickly build 3 small sealed cubes based around the unused Peerless XLS10 drivers I have already. I've read the Harman paper about multiple subs for smoothing room response and one at the mid point for side walls and rear wall looks promising. These would work from around 80-90hz.
Any thoughts on these idea's?
I like the idea of trying the membranes around the speakers first 'cause its cheap and no problems building them. But will they work and how would I design them?