Rotel RA-01 vs Naim Nait 3

How about everyone having an early new years resolution, namely if you don't have anything constructive to say, then dont post.

I have been trying to follow this one recently (unfortunately with a few lapses), but its a good goal to strive for.
If we could get back on topic though, someone suggested that Naim gear doesnt image, and the way they described it made it sound like the music clearly came out of the speakers, and didnt fill the room as such but made it sound like it was clearly emminating through the speakers. Is that right? Surely there should still be sound in the middle? He made it sound like there was a big "hole" between the speakers where there was no sound... if that makes sense.

I'm not sure about this though, because I dont even get that sensation with my headphones...
I think the reputation Naim has for not imaging is because of their speakers, which are designed to be hard up against the wall and generally have big racks of amps and power supplies stuck in between them. Some Naim users seem to like the effect.

From my experience with a 42.5/110 and a NAC82 it images in much the same way as anything else does if the speakers are decent and positioned sensibly.

-- Ian
So I guess its more speaker related. In which case I think it should do fine because I think the Ela's image quite well :)
i get a lovely image from mine. in fact the first thing that tone said when he heard my gear was fcuk me it's got an image.
have a listen you'll either love naim or loathe it.

OK, one more thing. Tony (WM) seems to think the Nait 3 is real bad, and that the Nait 2 is much better... is the 3 really as bad as he says (sorry tony, I had to ask)
Its you that count here pbirkett.
Unfortunately Tone sometimes thinks he knows everything. :D
He may prefer the 2 u may prefer the 3.
Also thats in the context of the system he tested it in.

I think perhaps the 2 is cheaper, and for the price of a nait 3 you could get something like a 32.5/110 or a 62/110. The power amp part of a 110 or a 140 if he got lucky is much better than the power amp part of either nait. The nait 3 being basically just a 90/90.3 in the same box. If I was looking to step on the Naim ladder that's what I would do, in fact that's what I did! The 2 possibly offers better value. A Nait 2 with a £100 service and recap from Salisbury is much the same price. It's a tricky one, but if I were you Paul I'd have a good scout round the web and PFM see whats for sale. That's how I got mine
Nait 2s have reached silly prices recently (I've seen them go for £350). They seem to have a cult following amongst some Naimies.

-- Ian
lordsummit said:
I think perhaps the 2 is cheaper, and for the price of a nait 3 you could get something like a 32.5/110 or a 62/110. The power amp part of a 110 or a 140 if he got lucky is much better than the power amp part of either nait. The nait 3 being basically just a 90/90.3 in the same box. If I was looking to step on the Naim ladder that's what I would do, in fact that's what I did! The 2 possibly offers better value. A Nait 2 with a £100 service and recap from Salisbury is much the same price. It's a tricky one, but if I were you Paul I'd have a good scout round the web and PFM see whats for sale. That's how I got mine

Do people normally sell the pre and power amp together? If they do that might be worth looking at :)
Sometimes they do, but even if they don't it's easy enough to find a pair. You should look at between £100 and £150 for the pre, and about £200 for a 110. Isn't there someone on PFM with a 32.5/110 for sale. I'll go look for the link.
Don't know whether this is still there. Try an advert, who knows what you may smoke out

Had a look on hififorsale and you could definitely do it from there. Try a search for Naim
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Thanks for that andrew, unfortunately I am going to have to wait until I get paid so I cant really get that one...

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