merlins idea of good hi fi is one that can play 5hz at 110db end of story. he'd listen to brown sound at '11' all day if he could without p1ssing off the neighbors
actually the 'definition' of good sounding hi-fi is as individual as the definition of a favorite flavour of ice cream imho.
hope the thread doesn;t go all harley davidson again.
not allowed the phish food or the yogurt, apples, or honey - walnuts are ok but only a few so i'm bollocksed. but to be honest i'd probably prefer your suggestion to the phish food - not really ice cream though. if we're just going for deserts then the king for me has to be 'crepe' pancakes with tons of caster sugar and lemon closely followed by my mum's chocolate fudge cake still warm from the oven mmmmm.
You'd love the pancake house we go to when we visit Holland. Cheese and bacon pancakes for main course pancakes with chocolate sauce and whipped cream for dessert. Delicious.
start me off with a couple of Duvel's, then on to a heavy chateau neuf de-pap (sp?) and finish with an aromatic cognac. All Post Ben&Jerries caramel chew chew (or phish food, im not fussy).
Geez... now I'm confused. All I want is the maximum from my digestive system... do I have to pay to taste all that? Can I cook myself?
I wonder what RG, KK and JA like for their digestive systems cause you seem to take them very seriously... you buy their flavour of the month magazines... worst, you even write letters to them... man, you really are hungry&angry...