rs 'pink' speaker wire

To be fair though your talking about different stuff anyway. The plating could have been different etc.
So what was the verdict on this stuff in the end. At some point in the next couple of months, the system is being moved to its newly annointed place but unfiortunately the newly annointed place is about 5m from the speakers and I need some new cable runs ... and I don't want to spend lots dosh.

Currently using Reson DNM solid core in 3m biwire runs. Don't really plan to biwire again, experimentation has shown that with my speakers at least it makes no difference (that I can tell).
So what was the verdict on this stuff in the end

i think agree to disagree is about right - no real suprise, they are cables after all. £15 is what it will cost you to find out if it's balls or bliss.
muffinman said:
i think agree to disagree is about right - no real suprise, they are cables after all. £15 is what it will cost you to find out if it's balls or bliss.

You have a point. Its not exactly going to break the bank. How thick/flexible is this stuff? I've got to pull each run through a 1 inch pipe laid under the floor boards to the speaker position.
Is there anywhere I can get shorter lengths of silver covered copper wire. I need 2x 10m (two different colours for 2 bi-wire 5m runs) - although I might just get two loads of 25m.

Isaac - would you recommend using pure silver - if so how much is it?

Audiolinks sell both pure and plated stuff. Its a bit more than the RS stuff as your buying less but still fairly cheap I think.
Pure silver costs alot more.
Anex - do you have a link - I've just googled Audiolinks and don't seem to have found an obvious link.
I'm about to do a full stealth install of my AV stuff which TBH I'm not that into, at such a small cost I will buy a reel of this for it.

Just placed order, i know there is better stuff to be had but for what its for it'll be fine and handy to have a whole reel for the instal. This looks like it might be worth a punt at £16.55 for a 1x .6m sheet although you gave to buy min of 2pcs
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Hi. A trick I have for twisting this stuff.

The PTFE is stiff(ish) and slippery, to get i tighter twist, first put a reverse twist in each strand before twisting the two strands together, this way when twisted up, there is no twist left in the indifidual strands. I put one end of each strand into a vice, and then use a cordless screwdriver to reverse twist both strands (you need somewhere to tie off the first one whilst you do the second) then I tie the two ends together keeping both strands taught and then reverse the screw driver and twist together.

Adding a longitudinal mark on the wire near the end being twisted helps guage the tightness of the twist.

mosfet said:
Anyone remember the Sonic Link Silver Pink interconnect (from the company that rebranded itself Black Rhodium)?

It's all out there if you go look.

I have a Silver Pink. Got it from Miller Bros for about £30. HFC Best Buy some moons ago.
As an alternative I would suggest searching Silver wire teflon on ebay. There is loads of 12 to 16 AWG high quality military specification silver plated wire available in lengths of 50 feet (15m) to 200 feet (60m).

I bought 110 feet of 16awg wire a couple of weeks ago, it cost me $25 plus $12 shipping so €30 or approx £20 and was delivered in 3 days.

I wired up a new Home Cinema installation with Tag Mclaren gear for a friend at the weekend with this wire, it sounded as good as my system which is wired up with Kimber 8TC which I rate very highly. This costs £42 per metre.
How many runs of the 19/0.15 pink cable should I use. I've just ordered and received some and didn't realise how skinny it was (bit like bell wire :( )- I guess I'll need multiple runs for each terminal - anyone else using this cable and if so how many runs or is one enough?
use all you have. Every extra run seems to offer improvements (within reason and with diminishing returns).
I only have enough for a single run as they need to be 5m - Anex have you used them as singles? I think I will probably try and get some more - maybe go for 3 runs per terminal but split them 2 to LF and 1 to HF - whay do you think - I might plat them as well to keep them tidy.
They will sound awful if you use singles, as soon as you try turning the level up or get a transient it'll just distort a bit and not get any louder. I have 8 runs per side, 4 per speaker terminal,. Might try some more at some point.
If your not sure if you want to buy anymore, maybe you could try cutting up what you have and moving amp nearer to speakers or vice versa so you can get a few shorter runs in just to try it out, then decide if its worth paying out for full 5m runs.

Oh and I don't bother with twisting or platting or anything. According to the audio-links guy it can ruin the sound, possibly due to capacitance. I've never bothered trying though as I've never found any benefits from platting, most of my experiments have turned out worse for having done it.
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