rockin' in the free world
Originally posted by sideshowbob
It's not about sound, anyway. As Joel says, if you want a music collection that's a bit wider than the last 20 years, a TT and a stash of second hand vinyl is the way to go. I have loads of wonderful records that aren't available on CD, and often never will be.
Anybody who's ever thought, "Hmm, I'm a bit bored with my music collection, I want to try something new" should buy a cheap secondhand Rega and get to a secondhand record shop or fair. Can't go wrong.
-- Ian
Exactly, there's so much out there to be bought, and often at rock bottom prices too. Where's the logic in paying out £14 for an album on CD when you can get it for a couple of quid? I've picked up about 150 albums in the last year and it's probably not cost me more than £200... that lot on CD would've been a load more especially since some titles are deleted on CD and go for a lot of £.
Originally posted by joel
I'm not sure about the romantic bit TBH, although I guess there is a nostlagic element for many of us. But to be honest, it's the software and the fact that if you can stop worrying about the hifi and start listening to the music, it sounds so damn good.
Exactly right! The hifi is there to make the music sound good, not the other way round. I think sometimes maybe we're all guilty of forgetting this. So what if there's the odd pop or crackle, if you really get into what you're listening to you won't notice it anyway.