well thats one way of keeping the under 16 year olds off the streets at night
WHAT IS IT with 21 y/o scouse women teachers (history in my case!!) when you're 14??? Yum yum! BTW - she was the fittest teacher I've ever seen - and my one claim to fame is this: *I* asked her to our 5th form leaving do (we had to invite a teacher) and she said "yes" - for once, the school hunk Ray was blown out of the water - serves him right for going out with the girl at school I had a crush on for years - ha ha! On topic - that schoolkid could have said "no" - it takes two to tangle you know. EDIT: - I agree with Mo! - she's not all that - blondes do nothing for me - but that history teacher - oooooohhhhh! Brunette scouser - almost looked like the first Kechanski (sp?) from Red Dwarf - phwoooooaar!!!!