Scottish Hifi & Home Cinema Show

I am there after all. In the Queen Suite next door to Rotel/B+W. First floor of main building. Show starts 10.00am each day. If you dont like video then stay away from my room.....We have Gallo ,Atlantic Technology amplifiers, 50"D7 Panny, SCALERS....., Arcam DVD player.....SCALERS.......some seats.....some freeview.....SCALERS.....and did I say SCALERS.....

G :)
Ack, Shrink I think you've got the wrong guy! What store? What cables?? You must be thinking of Crustyloafer (of Sevenoaks Hifi), or maybe Ditton? Unless my mind has turned to complete mush.....

As for the show, I'm going both days and I'll be happy to meet up with folk either day. The plan is to meet AnalogueKid tomorrow (Saturday) at 3:00pm at the eating area, and anyone else who wants to join us there is more than welcome.

As for Sunday, we can set a meeting time & place, or maybe just exchange mobile numbers? Whatever suits...


I don't know if your going to see this in time, still fitting my kitchen, so doubt I'll make it on saturday, might try sunday may need a bot of R&R then, let's know when you'll be meeting.
Appologies if you don't get this in time.

Okay, gotcha. :) Sunday is cool. Mebbe we can meet up with Alanbeeb and/or Shrink?

Same bat-time, same bat-channel? (3pm in the eating area.)

Dunky, AK - I'm going there earlyish Sunday, and Ditton's now cag'd a lift off me, we'll be there from about 11.30 ish, what say we meet at 1pm in eating area?
alanbeeb said:
Dunky, AK - I'm going there earlyish Sunday, and Ditton's now cag'd a lift off me, we'll be there from about 11.30 ish, what say we meet at 1pm in eating area?

do we bring packed lunches?? I was thinking of separates, rather than the all-in-one sandwich/sub. If we each bring one of the components we could have a bake off ...

... not sure I should have had so many coffees today.
sotry about the confusion dunky.. i was thinking of crusty.. dunno where my brain was.

im going on sunday probably around mid-day so if youw anna meet up just let me know.
Well it was fun but I'm not really sure it warrants a second visit - particularly not with the hassle of getting there and the 7 quid entry fee (me be royally skint). There's one or two systems I'd like to spend some more time with (primarily the Rega/Totem system and the Living Voice system - can't remember the electronics but it sounded great) but don't think I can justify the bother/expense for just a couple of systems...

Ah well, maybe next time then, gents? Have a good time.


P.S. - TACT have a rather cool demo system going. I'm not sure about their speakers but I'm very, very intrigued by the RCS preamp.... Will have to investigate further.
hehe £7 you were ripped... lovely student here gets in for £4 also i live not far of the south side of the bypass so i can get there by car in very little time at all.. so shouldnt be a complete loss :-)

im interested in hearing some naim linn and rega cd players as im in the market for a new source.
Crusty, that's too good an offer, though timimg might be a problem. Alanbeeb is (kindly) giving me a lift at about 10.45 to the show - I guess we would be there at 11.15ish
brief report: went, stayed, came back.

looked for AnalogueKid but short of everyone whether they were a witty weegie we did meet up. we should have agreed to wear paper hatsor somink.

neither empty, nor crowded. enjoyed variety of speakers. Had interesting chat to the JM Lab who was driving his Electra Be with the Moon I-5, and I may take his advice on speaker cables: anyone opinion on Chord Odessey and Rumour? Living Voice OBX-R2 speakers were very impressive in that they didn't appear to be present. Martin Logans driven by Audio Research (tube integrated) were magical with a Bob Marley track but very harsh with something that made us get up and go .

Had a chat with man from Tact about each and all of the semi-digital amp, the all digital amp/dac, and the RCS (room correction system). Thought I understood half of what was being said, and may have retained half of that. By tomorrow, sub-conscious cerebral processing may have kicked iin, else information decay might have become complete.

I am now anticipating either winning two prizes for giving away my contact details, or else receiving lots of unsolicited post.
Sorry Ditton, problems with fitting kitchen, so couldn't justify the time and it was already too late to let you know, shame it would have been nice to go and to meet you guys, will try and make the next embra bake off.
Best sound was Living Voice room, also the only room playing proper music IMO. Driven by Kegon (I think) amps, used to be Audio Note Japan.
I nearly bought a pair of the Avatars five years ago, but the demo pair I had then did an odd hollowed out voice thing sometimes, later turned out to be a fault by which time I'd bought something else.

The Dali Helicons driven by McIntosh integrated were also quite good, the chap demo'ing them had extreme toe-in to compensate for room and it seemed to work.

Loud and Clear had a dem room with Rega TT and amps with Totem speakers, I could not believe how harsh it sounded. I know almost nothing about vinyl but this would have put me off.

Interesting discussion with TACT people..... their rep was a bit bamboozled at first when I asked what I could just plug a transport straight into and my speakers at the other end, seemed to be telling me I needed a seperate DAC, things were not clarified until the distributor stepped in and pointed out the S2150 true digital amplifier. I thought their rooom sounded OK, but usual less than ideal conditions. But it struck us that TACT shouldn't use the poor room excuse!

The main problem in general is that everyone plays everything far too loud, far louder than I would be comfortable with at home. I suppose they have to make up for next door booming out return of the king or star wars in 5.1.

Worst offender was Absolute Sounds room, I was quite keen on hearing Copland 823 CD + Audio Reseach VSi55 into ML cheapest hybrids, but they played it a such ear-splitting levels I had to leave. Same again when they turned on the Sonus faber Cremonas driven by Krell stuff.

Watching Ditton asking complete strangers if they were AnalogueKid was quite amusing!

OK, I asked one guy, but that was as we were leaving and I wanted to be able to tell our(Analogue)Kid that I'd made the effort. Seems like I should have asked after his fitted kitchen.

Now our(Analogue)Kid, I have to tell you that the guy who denied that he was you was in fact youngish, fat and bald. If that's not a close fit, you are going to have to give a better identikit, espcially if you have to cry off to fit speakers in your kitchen. Alan and I did speak about another bake-off, so here's to the next attempt.

Incidentally, I didnt see either Shrink or Crusty there, both of whom I know by sight and had said that they might be about. So if they were they perhaps that says that it was busy enough.

I agree about the volumes being wrong, but iin a slightly different way. It seems to be that the volumes should be set at 'expected' levels - the level at which I would expect the musicians/music to sound had they been in front of me. And that will vary from accoustic guitar/cello to full orchestra to rock band. However, the room sizes all varied in size, shape and behaviour. Which brings me back tothe Tact men and their RCS ...
ditton said:

It seems to be that the volumes should be set at 'expected' levels - the level at which I would expect the musicians/music to sound had they been in front of me.... full orchestra to rock band.

Geez they must have had it cranked up :D

I bet the little Sonus Flabbers were flapping like a knickerless octagenarian in the wind!
well that's where I differed with alanbeeb. the krell and sonus faber combo were punching out heav rock at what I thought were expected (or even below expected) volumes, and for alanbeeb, the db was just too lound for hos comfort - but then (without wanting to speak on his behalf) he doesnt like heavy rock, nor does he frequent live rock gigs.

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