Best sound was Living Voice room, also the only room playing proper music IMO. Driven by Kegon (I think) amps, used to be Audio Note Japan.
I nearly bought a pair of the Avatars five years ago, but the demo pair I had then did an odd hollowed out voice thing sometimes, later turned out to be a fault by which time I'd bought something else.
The Dali Helicons driven by McIntosh integrated were also quite good, the chap demo'ing them had extreme toe-in to compensate for room and it seemed to work.
Loud and Clear had a dem room with Rega TT and amps with Totem speakers, I could not believe how harsh it sounded. I know almost nothing about vinyl but this would have put me off.
Interesting discussion with TACT people..... their rep was a bit bamboozled at first when I asked what I could just plug a transport straight into and my speakers at the other end, seemed to be telling me I needed a seperate DAC, things were not clarified until the distributor stepped in and pointed out the S2150 true digital amplifier. I thought their rooom sounded OK, but usual less than ideal conditions. But it struck us that TACT shouldn't use the poor room excuse!
The main problem in general is that everyone plays everything far too loud, far louder than I would be comfortable with at home. I suppose they have to make up for next door booming out return of the king or star wars in 5.1.
Worst offender was Absolute Sounds room, I was quite keen on hearing Copland 823 CD + Audio Reseach VSi55 into ML cheapest hybrids, but they played it a such ear-splitting levels I had to leave. Same again when they turned on the Sonus faber Cremonas driven by Krell stuff.
Watching Ditton asking complete strangers if they were AnalogueKid was quite amusing!