A bit of a last minute descision for me but i popped down for a look-see, only a 120 mile round trip so worth a jolly.
Luckily I don't think that there was a single system that I couldn't live with, the organisers did a pretty good good job of setting up, etc, impo.
First room enetered was the Krell/Sonus Faber demo. Very dynamic and crisp sound, bags of power and it was needed as they where filling a large room hith very high ceilings. I did notice that there was a large sub left of centre and it made its presence , sometimes a little too much for my liking.
I also saw the Macintosh - Dali(?) demo , again very impressed. I thought the OPUS 3 linear tracking record player was the star of the demo though. The guy did a few demo's with back to back tracks on both CD and Vinyl, the vinyl completely wiped the floor with the wee silver discs...
The CD/DVD player was very good , don't get me wrong,and it wasn't a shabby inferior model either, it's just that the Record player was just that little bit better. Apparently the guy said that an awful lot of people had said that during the weekend. These are my words not his though....
Good to see that my ols fave brand of Louspeaker, System Audio were still trooping along and producing the goods. They where used by the Nordost people coupled to Primare CDP and Amp , and again I would have no problem whatsoever living with that little set up. I never got to see any A-B comparisons with the speaker, IC and power wires, which i suppose defeated the purpose of going to the Nordost room. The guy did do a before and after type demo using some kind of Anti-Static type cleaning spray. I have to be honest here and say that i thought i could detect a difference, I put this down to psyco accoustics with having a decent salesman in the room and left shortly afterwards.
Agree about the Totem/Rega room. I never got a look at the Rega P7 standing still as it was playing, does it come with a frilly white skirt under the platter , thats what it looked like to me, most distracting. All in All not too impressed, but I'm sure carefull set up and tweaking would soon get it singing for my ears.
The surprising star of the show for me and the system that I would have liked to take home with me was......
Audio Note. I'm really surprised about this but I've got to give my credit where it is due. I just loved this system. It used a Record player that looked remarkably like my old Systemdek iiX a Massive 8 watt integrated amplifier ( massive in physical size and sound that is ) and a pair of large 2 way loudspeakers that where crammed into a corner, (housewifes choice

). I found this system to be the most 'live withable' really very musical (sounded like instruments and people not Hi-Fi ) and extremely un-fatiguing. No hard sell salesman pitch either the guy let the equipment do the talking. It was a circa £7-8,000 system and so should sound good. I suppose i didn't really hear the system being played at ear splitting volume levels , but then again thinking about it down here on planet earth in Sids little modest world, I never really play my Hi-Fi at teenager/playground levels any more anyway, as i just don't enjoy it that way.
OH yeah and most improtantly of all, i managed to pick up a couple of new records that caught my eye. Radio 4's second album 'Stealing of a Nation' the first mini LP was brilliant and constantly 'in use' so I'm hoping for good things and i also got '22-20s' which seems to be sell titled. It came highly recommended by the Diverse Vinyl chap. I just wish i had more spare cash to spend as i could of bought armfulls of records, but Christmas is coming - 3 x teenagers, etc, etc, I'm sure you know the score.
Right off to play me new records.
Naim Audio.
One day i will go to a Hi-Fi show and this brand will blow my socks off, i went to the show with a very open mind, and even put on some old socks just in case. Maybe next year......